A very warm welcome to you as you visit St. Joseph Catholic Church's website
A very warm welcome to you as you visit St. Joseph Catholic Church's website/about-us_self
A family of believers, committed to the teaching of Jesus Christ/faith-formation_self
Caring for one another and the larger community around us/ministries-organizations_self
Discover the unique aspects of our parish/tour-of-st-josephs_self
Join us as we celebrate our Liturgical Seasons/our-liturgical-year_self
Proud home of the magnificent Ox Roast Fair since 1964/ox-roast-fair_self
Welcome to The Parish Community of St. Joseph's website. As you get acquainted to our parish, it is our hope that you will take advantage of the many activities that happen throughout the year. You will find the people of St. Joseph to be very welcoming and inviting. The parish, since its inception in 1864, has been blessed with enthusiastic, dedicated, and faith-filled people committed to the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
As of May 28, 2022, St. Joseph Church, St. Ambrose Church in Garrettsville, St. Joan of Arc in Streetsboro, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Aurora officially became a collaborative region known as Portage North. On February 4/5, 2023, it was announced that Portage North will be under the guidance of one Pastor and one Parochial Vicar.
As of May 1, 2023, Bishop Bonnar has appointed Rev. Frantisek "Francis" Katrinak as pastor of the Portage North parishes. Rev. Joseph Ruggieri is the parochial vicar. Fr. Francis resides at St. Joan of Arc Parish in Streetsboro.
As of November 15, 2023, Fr. Brian Smith has been assigned as parochial vicar of the Portage North parish. He resides at St. Joan of Arc Parish in Streetsboro.
Deacon Gerry Scopilliti and Deacon Steven Gies will continue assisting the priests as they serve the four parishes of northern Portage County.
Fr. Chris Luoni is serving as a Sacramental Minister for all of Portage County with residence at St. Joseph Parish's Rectory.
As of March 1, 2024, the Office of St. Joseph & St. Ambrose Parishes began handling all office business for both parishes. Questions? Please call 330-274-2253 or email [email protected].
We, the Parish Community of St. Joseph Catholic Church are a welcoming family of believers who: witness the gospel, are committed to our Baptismal call to Discipleship in Jesus Christ, and further the Kingdom through our ministry and worship
St. Blaise was a 3rd century physician who became Bishop of Sebaste, Armenia. Because of the cure of the boy's throat when he boy was choking, St. Blaise is patron against troubles of the throat. St. Blaise is also the patron of veterinarians and against attacks of wild animals. Join us as we pray through the intercession of St. Blaise that God delivers us from throat ailments and from every other evil. Portage North parishes will have a General Blessing at the end of Mass on February 1st/2nd (trained Eucharistic Ministers will bless with candles after Mass).
The blessing of candles on Candlemas Day is a Christian tradition that honors the presentation of Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem. The candles are blessed to represent Christ's light and to illuminate people's hearts. Your are invited to bring your devotional candles to church on Sunday, February 2, to be blessed by our priest along with our parish candles. The candles are blessed to dispel darkness and to protect people from evil.
St. Joseph Cares is holding their next clothing collection the weeks of January 19 & 26. Please place donations in All-Purpose Room when you come to Mass. For drop-off other than during Mass times, please place in the St. Pauly Box @ Mantua Christian Center Church. Donations of clothing, shoes, accessories and bedding for all ages in good condition will be accepted (no pillows or furniture please). No Christmas or household items will be accepted at this time. Diapers & wipes accepted anytime in Narthex.
The next Free Clothing & Diaper Giveaway will be Saturday, February 8, 9 a.m. until Noon, in a first floor classroom in St. Joseph Church’s School Building, 11045 St. Joseph Blvd., Mantua, OH 44255. This outreach ministry provides free clothing and diapers to families in need. Due to the increased need of the community, every family will be limited to one black garbage bag. Diapers/wipes will be distributed based on availability. You do not need to be a resident and no questions are asked.
All men 18 years of age and older are encouraged to attend the St. Joseph Men's Renewal Weekend, February 15-16 for an inspirational experience with other Christian men. Entitled "I Want You Brother", the event is held in the St. Joseph Parish's school building and begins at 8 a.m. Saturday and ends with Mass on Sunday afternoon. Take some time for yourself. Come enjoy fellowship, laughs, and good food. You will be fed in mind, body, and spirit. You're guaranteed to leave full. This renewal is absolutely FREE. Register at bit.ly/SJMR2025. Questions? Please contact Andrew (440-478-2902) or Ben (330-351-7602) for more details.
In 2025, were once again hosting a 300 Club fundraiser for St. Joseph Parish. We will have 300 tickets for sale at $100.00 each (you may pay $10/month). They will be sold starting in December, 2024, and running until November 1, 2025. We will have a fantastic dinner at St. Nicholas Banquet Center, 755 S. Cleveland Ave. (Suffield Twp.), Mogadore, Ohio 44260, on Saturday, October 18, 6 to 11 p.m., where you will have a one in 300 chance of walking away with $7,500.00. Join us for an evening of fun at this beautiful banquet center and delicious food. Tickets are available for purchase by contacting Debbie Kruis (330-221-0272) or Mary Ann Feddor (330-842-0505). Good luck!
It's that time of year... again! Eagle of the Cross is 27 years old in the Diocese of Youngstown!
The Eagle of the Cross award is given annually to outstanding juniors and seniors in high school within the Diocese of Youngstown who show particular zeal in the improvement of their own parish ministry programs, high school ministry teams, or youth work regarding the faith within the Diocese.
On February 9th, we celebrate World Marriage Day! Let’s take time to pray for our spouses and each other to lift our marriages. Do something special for each other this weekend to show your gratitude for your spouse and their YES! Your goal in this Vocation of Marriage should be to get your spouse to heaven. Take time to ponder in your heart how you can do that, starting right now. Married couples will receive a blessing at the end of Masses on February 8/9 weekend.
Do you have an hour to help save a life? As a proud Premier Blood Partner with the Red Cross, we know that just that short amount of time donating blood can mean a lifetime to a patient battling illness or injury. Roll up a sleeve and join us in giving back to the community. St. Joseph’s will host a Blood Drive on Tuesday, February 18 , Noon to 6 p.m. Visit www.redcrossblood.org today to schedule your appointment to give to an upcoming blood drive!