"Baptism, the door to life and to the kingdom of God…
is the sacrament by which its recipients are incorporated into the Church
and are built up together in the Spirit into a house where God lives,
into a holy nation and a royal priesthood."
General Introduction to the Rite of Baptism for Children
Baptism (also called christening) is the first sacrament we receive and makes us members of the Church. Parents requesting Baptism for their child must be registered, active and participating members of the parish. This means that the parents are presently registered in the parish, attend Sunday Mass regularly, and support and participate in the life of the parish through the sharing of their time, talent and treasure. When planning your child's Baptism, the first step is to schedule a meeting with our pastor, Fr. Francis Katrinak, so that he can become acquainted with you. Parents and godparents, if possible, are to also participate in a parish sponsored baptism preparation class with Jennifer Berczik. This meeting includes an overview of the history and theology of Baptism, an explanation of the Rite itself, the role of godparents, and suggestions for creating a Catholic environment at home. Those who belong to a different parish but are requesting baptism at St. Joseph must furnish a letter of permission and verification of parish membership from their pastor. Baptisms are held during the Sunday 9 a.m. Mass.
Have You Been Asked to Be a Godparent or Sponsor?
According to the requirements of the Catholic Church’s Canon Law (872-874), a godparent or confirmation sponsor must have the qualifying criteria outlined here. Before St. Joseph Church can issue a "letter of good standing", our Sponsor Verification Form must be completed and signed by the pastor. Please allow the appropriate time for this process to occur when you make this request.
Parent Baptismal Preparation Sessions
An instructional session for first time parents are held as needed and coordinated with families' schedules.
If you believe raising your child as a Catholic-Christian is one of your most important duties as a parent, please contact Jennifer Berczik at the Parish Office of St. Joseph & St. Ambrose Parishes (330-274-2253) to arrange the Sacrament of Baptism.
As you are seeking the baptism of your child in the Roman Catholic Church, the following guidelines are presented to help you embark upon this journey of faith with Christ and his Church.
(Code of Canon Law, c. 842, 849; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213, 1263, 1265, 1267-1270)
Through Baptism, God enables us to participate in his life in Jesus Christ and makes us his children. It is through this sacrament that we receive the Holy Spirit and become members of the People of God, of the Body of Christ, which is the Church. Baptism becomes our commitment to grow in this new life and to strive to acquire spiritual maturity. By baptism, God purifies us from sin.
Baptism is the sacrament of faith which has the Risen Christ as its source, and it is the offer of salvation for all people. Intimately linked to Confirmation and to Eucharist, Baptism is, with these two sacraments, Christian Initiation. The child is baptized in the faith of their parents, godparents and of the Church.
(Code of Canon Law, cc. 867-868; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1251)
Parents are responsible for bringing their child to the Sacrament of Baptism as soon after birth as possible. Except in case of necessity, the church is the usual place of baptism.
In order that a child be baptized, it is necessary that the parents consent, or at least one of them, or someone legally standing in their place, and that there is reasonable hope that the child will be brought up in the Catholic Faith.
A person may only have one or two godparents (also called sponsors); if two are chosen, they must be male and female.
In order for someone to be eligible as a godparent they must be chosen by the parents, have the ability and the intention to fulfill the role, be at least 16 years of age, and be a confirmed Roman Catholic, who has already received the Most Holy Eucharist, is leading a life in harmony with the Catholic Faith (including Marriage) and will be a good role model for the one being baptized, and be neither the father nor the mother of the child.
A baptized person who belongs to another Christian community may be admitted only as a “Christian witness” (not a godparent) provided that there is at least one Roman Catholic godparent who fulfills the above criteria. A non-baptized person cannot be a witness (Code of Canon Law, cc. 872-874; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1255).
(Code of Canon Law, c. 851; Catechism of the Catholic Church 843)
In order to respect your request for the baptism of your child, you are invited to follow closely the stages of preparation offered below:
(Catechism of the Catholic Church 857)
Are you living in a parish other than the one
in which you wish to have your child baptized?
You are required to take your Baptismal Preparation in the parish in which you reside and then receive a testimonial letter from your Parish Priest to have your child baptized in another parish. This requirement respects the reality that pastors normally have sacramental jurisdiction only over their own parishioners. Therefore, when one seeks a sacrament outside of one’s parish, the proper pastor’s permission is necessary. Furthermore, the invitation to connect with one’s own proper parish first is founded on the hope that the faith-life of the family and of the one(s) to be baptized will be lived in community and not in isolation.
Marital Status - Your marital status will be clarified during the baptismal preparation process. Baptism is not denied if the parents are unmarried or not married in the Roman Catholic Church. However, there may be reason to postpone Baptism if parents are not practicing the Faith, or have no intention of living a Catholic life in harmony with the Gospel. If your status is not in harmony with the Roman Catholic understanding of sacramental marriage, please inquire as to how we may help you enter into proper sacramental marriage or, if need be, seek a declaration of nullity by the Church.
All of the above information applies to Baptism of an infant or young child only. If you have a child to be baptized who has reached catechetical age/the age of reason (Grade 2 or 7 years), you and they will receive different preparation. Having sufficient understanding, the preparation will now be for the full complement of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
Those children already baptized in other Christian communities will be prepared to make a profession of faith into the Catholic Church and will receive the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation in the rite of Reception into Full Communion with the Catholic Church.
As the first Initiation Sacrament we receive, Baptism is a key event in the lives of those receiving it, their families, and the community of St. Joseph's. Many people in the parish give of their time to make Baptism a memorable experience. To learn more about this ministry, click here.
Many of you have noticed and commented favorably about our remodeled Baptismal Font. This is the fine work of Andrew Kollarik who sanded and stained it. He and his wife, Kathy, have given this refurbishment of our font as a gift to St. Joseph Parish. Many thanks and God bless you for your kindness!
Font Remodeling Completed August of 2014
The liturgical symbols were placed on the fountain. The water of river is symbolic of life giving sanctifying grace that wash away original sin and give us the promise of eternal life. The shell is symbolic of God the Father pouring forth salvation to the world. The large fish, which was used in the early church as a gathering sign for believers, stands for Christ. The smaller fish represent the members of the Church today living in the waters of faith. Lastly, the dove represents the Holy Spirit who came down on Our Lord at his Baptism by John in the Jordan River. The art work was done by Radiant Arts of Beach City, Ohio. The presentation was completed in memory of Roy Brugmann, a long time member of our community.