As the first Initiation Sacrament we receive, Baptism is a key event in the lives of those receiving it, their families, and the Parish Community of St. Joseph. Many people in the parish give of their time to make Baptism a memorable experience.
Baptismal Font Maintenance
The baptismal font itself often needs routine maintenance, as well as regular cleaning. This is handled by Kevin Kotkowski.
Baptismal Garments
For infants particularly, the tradition of a white baptismal garment adds to the beauty and solemnity of the occasion as a sign of the new life of Christ. The tradition of hand crafting baptismal gowns or stoles for babies and small children and OCIA continues (the late Leona Redhead lovingly provided for many years, then Carol Cox, Kathy Singer and now Annette Carlisle).
Grateful For Good Stewards
Many of you have noticed and commented favorably about our remodeled Baptismal Font. This is the fine work of Andrew Kollarik. He and his wife, Kathy, have given this beautiful pool's facelift as a gift to St. Joseph Parish. Many thanks and God bless you for your kindness!
The remodeling of our Baptismal font was completed in August of 2014. The liturgical symbols were placed on the fountain last week. The water of river is symbolic of life giving sanctifying grace that wash away original sin and give us the promise of eternal life. The shell is symbolic of God the Father pouring forth salvation to the world. The large fish, which was used in the early church as a gathering sign for believers, stands for Christ. The smaller fish represent the members of the Church today living in the waters of faith. Lastly, the dove represents the Holy Spirit who came down on Our Lord at his Baptism by John in the Jordan River. The art work was done by Radiant Arts of Beach City, Ohio. The presentation was completed in memory of Roy Brugmann, a long time member of our community.
Baptisms may be scheduled after Mass on Saturday or Sunday. Advanced registration is required. A Parent Baptismal Preparation Session for parents (and godparents if possible) is held coordinating with parents’ schedule. If you believe raising your child as a Catholic-Christian is one of your most important duties as a parent, please call the Parish Office (330-274-2253).
More information is available on our Baptism Sacrament page
(see link above).