This group assists the parish by securely counting collections taken at Masses. Please contact the Business Office Manager or Pastor at the Parish Office (330-274-2253) with any questions.
Your Sunday Offering
How much should I give back to God? Only you can decide. Tithing is not about Church support, it is a spiritual concept that places God first in your life.
Collection Reminders
It is extremely helpful for accounting purposes to have separate donations for different funds since they are deposited separately (i.e. Sunday collection, 2nd Collections, St. Joseph Cares).
If you attend another parish for Mass and drop your St. Joseph Church collection envelope in the basket, that parish will forward it to your home parish. Please be sure it is marked "St. Joseph."
Because funds designated for special diocesan collections are sent to the diocese just a few weeks after the collection date, we ask that you submit your donations in a timely manner.
Simplify your life by signing up for our ParishSOFT Online Giving option (
We continue to build our Renovation Fund for upcoming parish improvement projects. Simply designate Building & Grounds Maintenance the designated envelope in your packet or through Online Giving. As always, thank you for your support.
Contribution envelope packets are sent out by our envelope company, National Church Supply (NCS), every two months. These packets include Sunday collection envelopes and a majority of the special diocesan collections. Our envelope file is submitted at least one month prior so if you should have any changes, please let the Parish Office know as soon as possible. Online Giving is a convenient option that gives consistently to your parish and saves the expense of mailing out envelopes.
St. Joseph Church provides online giving through software called ParishSOFT Giving. This is a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation. ParishSOFT Giving is connected with our parish database. It is a real convenience for the parish (less expensive, contributions are automatically entered into the database, and reduced contribution envelope expenses). Learn more by clicking on the link below.
There are designated envelopes included in each month's set of envelopes with which you may contribute to The Catholic Echo, Building & Grounds Maintenance Fund, Carillon, and St. Joseph Cares.
The Catholic Echo is the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown’s media group. Its products consist of an online news platform, a print magazine, radio and podcast programs, social media and video for television and streaming.
Catholic Echo news is available at Covering news in all six counties of the Diocese of Youngstown, new stories are posted several times a week. Email subscribers receive bi-weekly updates highlighting the most recent Catholic Echo headlines.
The Catholic Echo print magazine is published ten times each year and mailed to all registered parishioners in the Diocese of Youngstown, beginning in Spring 2023. Issues are monthly, with the exception of two combined issues in December/January and June/July. To help offset this parish expense, your support through our Special Contribution Envelope is most appreciated.
Video and audio content is also posted several times each week on The Catholic Echo Youtube Channel.
[The last issue of The Catholic Exponent
was published on February 24, 2023]
Your donations to this fund help with the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of our beautiful facilities. In addition, we have a Parish Renovation Fund that builds interest to allow larger improvement projects to take place.
Carillon Memorials are always welcome to memorialize or honor those special people in your life or mark events such as anniversaries, birthdays or graduations. A $20.00 donation will reserve your date for which the Angelus and seasonal hymns will ring both at noon and at 6 p.m. Your Carillon Memorials will be listed in the bulletin the weekend prior to your reserved date.
This outreach ministry of our parish is guided by the Corporal Works of Mercy (Matthew 25) to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Shelter the Homeless, Clothe the Naked, Comfort the Sick, and Visit the Imprisoned. Your donations help those in need throughout our community and northern Portage County.
To learn more, please vist
our St. Joseph Cares page.