The Finance Council of St. Joseph Parish carefully and regularly reviews all financial aspects of parish operations including the church, the weekly collections, and all fund raising activities, including the annual Ox Roast Fair. The council works closely with the Pastor and the Pastoral Council in allocating funds for short and long term obligations and plans to help the parish carry out its overall mission. Members discuss current and future budgets, diocesan assessments, capital improvements, parish investments, and strategic planning.
The Finance Council meets the second Tuesday of every other month at 6 p.m. in the Parish Center (no July or December meetings). If your talents and interests would help the Finance Council, please contact Parish Office (330-274-2253).
Fr. Francis Katrinak (Pastor)
Tom Caldwell (Chairperson)
Bill Hafemeister
Ron Kotkowski
Debbie Kruis
Michele Manderbach (Parish Accountant)
Article 1: Name
This organization shall be called St. Joseph Church Finance Council
Article 2: Purpose
The purpose of this Council is to serve the Pastor and the Parish in matters regarding the Parish in financial resources in a responsible and honorable manner that is directed by the laws of the universal Church and local bishop.
Article 3: Objectives
The purpose of the Council is enacted through the following objectives:
By meeting regularly to review and oversee the financial resources of the parish
To advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial resources of the parish in a fiscally responsible and honest manner
To review the financial and employment policies of the parish
To respond, review, and encourage the continued call to pastoral stewardship of time, talent, and treasure
To ensure that permanent, accurate, and complete minutes are kept as a record of all finance committee meetings.
Article 4: Council Make-Up
The Council shall consist of no less than six members and no more than eight members at any given time. The chairperson is appointed by the Pastor and is an ex-officio member of the Parish Council.
Article 5: Eligibility
Membership to the Council shall be open to all registered active members of St. Joseph Parish. Members must be confirmed and 16 years of age and must be regular, active, participating members of the Parish.
Article 6: Membership and Terms
Terms shall be for two years and commence in September. Members may serve for two consecutive 3-year terms. Upon completion of the second 3-year term, the member must be absent from the Council for one year before reapplying for membership.
Appointment to the Council will be through self-nomination or through nomination by an existing Council member. Vacancies will be filled on a first-come basis. In the event nominations outnumber vacancies, the Pastor will decide.
Article 7: Responsibilities of Members
Members shall be responsible for attending all Council meetings. Three consecutive unexcused absences can be cause for removal from the Council.
2017 Debt Reduction Campaign Success
The St. Joseph School Educational Trust Fund was established February 20, 1984, with the purpose to establish financial stability for our school now and in the future. The Trust Fund was controlled jointly by Pastoral Council, the Trust Fund Committee, and the Pastor of St. Joseph's (under Fr. Garvey's pastorate, the Finance Council members served as the Trust Fund Committee). Upon the decision to close St. Joseph School in 2010 due to declining enrollment, the pastor, Fr. Michael Garvey, requested permission from the Parish Council and the Finance Council to use the principal as well as any interest to help pay school bills. In April of 2010 he then asked for official approval to close out the School Trust Fund (referring to Declaration and Agreement of Trust document's termination section). St. Joseph School closed in June of 2010 due to declining enrollment.