61st Ox Roast Fair
July 18, 19 & 20, 2025!
Friday, July 18th – 6 to 11:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 19th – 1 to 11:30 p.m.
Sunday, July 20th – Noon to 10 p.m.
St. Joseph's most visible and locally famous fund raising event is the Annual Ox Roast Fair, which is held the third full weekend in July. Started in 1964 by Fr. John Wirtz (Associate Pastor with Fr. Hughes) to help pay for the new school, the Ox Roast Fair now directly supports the educational and sacramental ministries of St. Joseph Parish. This event utilizes the energy and talents of literally hundreds of parishioners and friends from the Mantua area and beyond!
Except for the carnival rides and games, part of the tractor pull events, and security, the booths & events are operated by St. Joseph volunteer families and friends. Along with the pastor, the Ox Roast Fair Core Group is the primary planning and steering committee which coordinates the efforts of the Ox Roast Fair and guides the overall direction of the Fair.
Of course, that famous Ox Roast beef has always been a part of the Ox Roast Fair. Up to 3,500 pounds of sirloin roasts are prepared in brick-lined pits which are heated several days before the fair with a constantly burning fire. The beef is prepared, wrapped in unbleached muslin & netting, and placed in the fiery coals, covered over, and cooked for several hours until done to perfection. The result is a delicious, slow-cooked beef sandwich, dinner, or sundae with mashed potatoes that melts in your mouth!
Here's a summary of what you'll find on our Ox Pages:
Ox Details - schedule, admission, parking
Ox Raffles - main raffle, 50/50
Ox Music - bands & other entertainment
Ox & More - complete list of food & beverages
Ox Fun - rides, events, games
Ox Store - t-shirts, mugs & other merchandise
Ox Pulls - truck, tractor, semi & kiddie pulls
Ox Booths - tradebooths, parish groups' booths
Ox Sponsorships - opportunities for sponsoring various Fair aspects
Ox Info. - trivia, FAQs, publicity
Ox History - looking back 1964 to date
Ox Winners - winners, appreciation, good stewards
Look for much more information by clicking on the link buttons below.
The St. Joseph Ox Roast Fair supports the parish mission statement
by providing a quality festival where all of our community
can gather together to celebrate our common bond.
A small committee that does the nitty-gritty planning and decision-making under the guidance and approval of our pastor meet monthly, year round helping to see that our big event runs smoothly.
Core Group Members: John & Debbie Kruis, Deacon Gerry Scopilliti, Greg & Jay D'Aurelio, Brian Hirsch, Tony Marinelli, Cindy Olesh, Greg Pastor, Cathy & Donny Sherbondy, and Lyle Tayerle.
March 30 & June 22
10 a.m. in Hughes Hall