After Easter, the church renovations began in 2017-18 continued with drywall going up on the three non-altar walls. The old wallpaper was stripped and the walls were cleaned. The wood grained style wallpaper went on the lower portion and the top part was painted making our sanctuary space a more welcoming and warmer feel. The Narthex was also painted and the entrance portico received some repairs and paint. Thank you to Bill Hafemeister, Tom Cofojohn, Ricky, the drywall crew, and the cleaning volunteers for all of their hard work.
Click here to view photos of the project.
Boy Scout Eagle Projects included Connor Rowe's repainting the Parish's entrance sign and refreshing the garden area around it. Clay Bascombe refurbished the Parish Center courtyard's water garden.
The newly formed Maintenance & Grounds Ministry is busy making repairs and improvements throughout our facility. The east doors of the school building were repaired. The bathrooms had new baby changing tables and liners installed along with new mirrors above the sinks. Broken or missing classroom ceiling tiles were addressed. The boiler also had some repairs made.
Light switches were installed in the church and Hughes Hall making it easier to control lighting (without using the electrical panels). Pews were fixed.
The Parish Center now has motion sensor lighting on the front porch, a new toilet in the main bathroom, and malfunctioning furnace parts were replaced. In addition, the wall leading to the Parish Center basement meeting room that was severely bowed and falling in was repaired. Directional signs were added and the Parish Center & Offices sign was restained and repositioned to help aid visitors and deliveries. The mailbox post was also reinforced and replanted.
Trees around the property that were hollow and a threat have been taken down. Damage to the grounds from the rains during Ox Roast Fair is slowly being repaired.
Following the church roof replacement project completion, and thanks to the generous offering of time, talent and treasure from Bill Hafemeister and his workers, the long awaited renovations to the interior of St. Joseph Church began. The altar wall's water damaged wallpaper was removed, decorative columns were added, the mold issue was addressed, and new wood-grain textured wallpaper was installed. In addition, the canopy above the altar and the ceiling fans were cleaned and LED lighting was installed throughout the church.
Thanks to the generosity of of time, talent, and treasure of our parishioners, our church space and narthex received new carpeting. Volunteers came together to move the pews into Hughes Hall and tear out the old carpeting. Workers then applied a skim coat and sealer to the floors. We are grateful to Dennis Chiancone and Janice Rendina of State Crest Flooring & Carpet for donating the carpeting (parish only had installation expense).
A votive candle table crafted by Char Baumbick was added to the St. Joseph niche. As with the Blessed Mother statue, you may light a candle while praying for your intention or offering thanks. She also built a beautiful folding screen to act as a backdrop and cleverly hide the cold air return grate in that area.
Taking advantage of the clearing in the woods left from the logging process, the Ox Roast Fair fireworks launching area was created. It can also be used for parish bonfire events.
A permanent metal building was installed where Ox Roast Fair pizza, sausage sandwich and pierogi booths are located. This allows easier set-up and provides much needed storage for the Fair's equipment.
On the Feast of the Holy Family, December 30, Fr. Ed blessed our new Holy Family sculpture created by parishioner Rick Cermak. To learn more about this creation and the artist, click here.
Following the retirement of long-time maintenance person Jason Garey, a Maintenance & Grounds Ministry was formed and a part-time janitor was hired. Volunteers serve in this new ministry for the improvements, upkeep and repairs needed throughout the facility.
Heating and lighting improvements were made for better efficiency. Many kneelers were repaired and the background of Joseph & the Children artpiece received some sanding and painting thanks to one of our faithful volunteers.
The back-up well had work done to comply with EPA regulations and a donor paid the deductible from the insurance claim (lightning strike).
Hughes Hall received a fresh coat of paint thanks to paint and labor donations. The kitchen's very old stove was replaced with two new units with electronic ignitors and safety gas shut off. The non-working large freezer unit was sold allowing for better kitchen lay-out.
For his Eagle Scout project Jacob Ober sanded and painted the playground equipment of St. Joseph Parish.
Thanks to a donation of gently used ceiling tiles (Dave O’Donnell’s workplace replaced theirs) and the hard work of our volunteers, Hughes Hall got a facelift. The rails were repainted, additional support was fabricated and installed, and the tiles were cut and installed. A big thank you to all who had a part in beautifying our Hall.
In early spring of 2017, the sacristy areas had a facelift with painting of walls and doors and reorganizing thanks to the generosity of time and talent of Char Baumbick, Mary Ann Feddor, and Marianne Berzinskas.
The St. Joseph Garden Club funded a new side table by the Deacon’s chair in the sanctuary which was crafted by Charlotte Baumbick.
LED lighting fixtures and bulbs were installed upgrading the buildings.
Alex Forrestal refurbished Parish Center's courtyard garden by removed weeds, adding landscaping fabric and rocks, and restaining fence.
Drew Thomas added garden benches to the Parish Center's courtyard garden space.
Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, a new crucifix was added to our altar space on March 11, 2017. For more details, click here.
The Risen Christ was moved to its new location above the Narthex doors.
Due to the crumbling condition of our Blessed Mary, a new statue was added as a gift from the Kotkowski family. It was given in memory of Rita Kotkowski because of her devotion to the Rosary. To learn more about it's history, click here.
Thanks to Richard Cermak, local artist and parishioner, a new St. Joseph statue was placed in the corner of the church (where the Eucharistic chapel used to be). Our old St. Joseph was part of a set of Holy Family statues created in 1983 and was deteriorating. The carpenter's bench from the Narthex is now located in this niche. Click here to learn more.
In the Fall of 2017, trees were planted in the Parish Center front yard. A Coral Burst Crabapple in memory of Elaine Fetsko (from the Festko family) and a Lemon Drops Dogwood in memory of Bernice Heritage (from St. Joseph's Garden Club).
Over the Fall and Winter of 2017-2018, the church roof was replaced with an energy efficient white membrane thanks to the funds raised from logging on the property and generous donations from parishioners.
During the Fall of 2016 and Winter of 2017, logging on the property was done to raise some much needed funds for the parish. With this revenue and through additional donations, the leaking church roof was fixed. This was the first step in making future improvements to our church interior.
The talents of Char Baumbick and Marianne Berzinskas are recognized. Char crafted the new holy oil stands and Marianne painted the cross designs on them to match our candlestick and processional cross stands.
Nathan Olesh made improvements
to the Ox Roast Fair's
Lemon Shake-Up Booth
with repairs and painting
for his Eagle Scout Project.
In 2014 the Feddor family donated a new processional cross in memory of Carl Feddor.
Railings in the sanctuary hand-crafted by Charlotte Baumbick were added thanks to a donation from the Sawyer family in memory of Robert Sawyer.
Liturgical symbols were added to the Baptismal font, a project taken on by the Worship Committee and funded by the Brugmann family in memory of Roy Brugmann.
New church entry doors were added allowing plenty of light to enter the Narthex and provide a beautiful and secure welcome to parishioners and visitors. Designed and installed by Radiant Arts of Beach City, Ohio, the project was coordinated by members of the Worship Committee.
Parish computer upgrades including Wi-FI and a new phone system, a new circuit box at the Rectory, boiler upgrades, and Ox Roast Fair equipment purchases were also among the improvements made this year.
The Parish Center received some improvements in the way of painting, new carpeting in the office and meeting room spaces, and new flooring in the hallway and kitchen areas. The garage roof was converted from a flat roof to a pitched one with work done by parish volunteers.
Thanks to the creative talents of Marianne Berzinskas, a new Parish Banner was added for sanctuary and diocesan celebrations.
Andy Kollarik made some improvements to the Baptismal font.
This year also marked the 50th Ox Roast Fair. For his Eagle Project, Brennan Macaluso repainted St. Joseph's pavilion.
The roof on Hughes Hall was resurfaced.
Our Advent
wreath stand
was purchased with donations from
the Koval family in memory of
Joe Koval.
Sadly, St. Joseph School in Mantua closed at the end of the 2009-2010 school year.
Declining enrollment was a major factor in the decision.
In mid-March, only 59 students in K-8 grades registered for the 2010-2011 school year.
Reverend Michael Garvey, pastor, informed parents of the decision
by letter on March 26 and during weekend Masses on March 27/28.
To learn more about St. Joseph School's history, click here.
During the summer of 2007 improvements included all of the hallways, stairwells, and doors of the school of the entire school building receiving a fresh coat of new paint, new carpeting for the church, Narthex, All-Purpose Room, and school office, and new ceiling fans were installed in the church.
Eagle Projects completed included David Collica's clearing and replanting of the wooded area behind parish rectory and Allen Crookham's restoration of the woods along access drive from St. Joseph's to Crestwood by clearing dead trees and planting new ones.
For his Eagle Project Gus Cleary refurbished Ox Roast Fair's Lemon Shake-Up Booth (also used by community groups as concession).
Among the many scouts chosing St. Joseph Parish to benefit from their Eagle Scout Projects were:
Chris Anderson who replaced the old chain link fence alongside of parish boiler room including privacy slats.
Austin Anderson who restored and repainted the Ox Roast Fair's dunking booth.
Drew Truax who constructed a cross country trail around St. Joseph's property.
During the late summer and fall of 2006, areas of the parish received "facelifts". The Parish Center saw painting of the kitchen and meeting room (decorative items and updated lighting added), the addition of new chairs and carpeting, and replacement of a badly deteriorating garage door. Hughes Hall and Narthex were also painted. The parking lot was re-lined and Home & School added two benches and two permanent garbage cans to the playground area.
The areas in front of the Parish Center & School received much needed updates to the landscaping in "phase II" of landscaping improvements. Romano & Sons (Pat Romano) handled the removal and designing and preparation of the beds. Volunteers from the Garden Club and Knights of Columbus assisted with planting and mulching (Garden Club funded half of this project).
In the Fall, a new lighted sign and St. Joseph statue were installed at Pioneer Trail thanks to volunteers who worked and donated towards this project.
Also in the Fall of this year, St. Joseph Parish took part in the Diocese of Youngstown's first and largest capital campaign in its 61-year history, "Today's Sacrifice . . . Tomorrow's Church Capital Campaign". This four-year pledge commitment was the first step in establishing a Building Fund for the building of a permanent church structure (after meeting our Annual Bishop's Appeal goal and target campaign goal, the parish was rebated a percentage of the pledges received).
As his Eagle Project, Tyler Turner refurbished Ox Roast Fair's Corn Dog Booth (also used by Mantua soccer league). Paul O'Donnell constructed caution fencing in front of benches and fenced in swinging cages at St. Joseph's baseball field.
Crestwood Schools' ran water, sewer, and fiber optic lines down St. Joseph Blvd. to the new Bowen Rd. schools. The trees that lined the road were taken out to do so. In consideration of safety of children crossing the boulevard, the district's offer to replace them was declined.
A church air-conditioning unit was replaced, interior mold situation was addressed, and Ox Roast Fair canopies and electrical supplies were purchased.
School roof shingles were replaced by volunteers being funded by Trust Fund interest. Four new computers and printers were gifted to the school and the teachers' wish lists were granted by the Home & School Association.
The Garden Club's landscaping plan continued with additions in front of the church. Repairs were made to the roof of the church's Narthex.
Handicap accessible door switches for the restrooms were added, phone and copier cost-cutting measures were implemented (lines consolidated), and and the Ox Roast Fair saw improvements that included electrical upgrades.
Tree trimming occurred at the Rectory. Carpeting, wallpaper, and fencing was added to the back deck area. A cable line was ran for the Rectory and Parish Center.
In October, 2002, the Garden Club began the first stage of their landscape renovation by coordinated the removal of "overgrowth" on either side of the Church entrance. New dirt and a new bed of grass plus a few small trees and shrubs were been added. As funds became available, the rest of the plans came to reality.
Improvements to the church sound system were made, concrete pads were poured for Ox Roast Fair food booths, and tree removal took place at the Rectory. The Parish Booklet highlighting parish ministries, organizations, and activities was completed.
Father Tom McCarthy oversaw the addition of a beautiful piece of artwork by world famous sculptor, Joseph Turkaly, entitled "Joseph & the Children" that was added to the alcove of the new entrance in 2001 (dedicated to the memory of parishioner Linda Kulka who was tragically killed in an auto accident). Click here to learn more about Joseph Turkaly's work.
The doors at the school building's east entrance were replaced. New living room carpet at the rectory was installed.
Two Boy Scout Eagle Projects benefited the parish:
The boiler room and handicap accessibility for the bathroom sinks were improved. The booster water heater and dishwasher were replaced and a new stove with ovens was purchased. The fire retardant system was upgraded, and a gas deep fryer was added. An additional well was also drilled. The computer lab and technology needs of the school were updated. This year also saw the addition of CYO football to the established soccer and basketball programs.
New Gather hymnals were purchased through memorials and the parish's back debt to the Diocese was paid off.
Boy Scout Eagle projects completed this year included Mattew Wojtecki's construction of a Prayer Garden for quiet reflection, prayer and photo oppportunities between the church and parish center and Joseph Wright's replacement of the parish entrance sign and added landscaping.
The Garden Club funded, organized, and completed the new entrance to the church with the help of many parishioners who gave of their time and talents.
Heating elements for gutters were installed. The windows in Hughes Hall were tinted to help save energy and tables were purchased. The parking lot was sealed and stripped. At the rectory, the well was drilled deeper and the pump was replaced.
Tim "T.J." Dick took on the task of adding electricity and lighting to the Pavilion for his Boy Scout Eagle Project.
In celebration of the parish's 75th anniversary, a time capsule was buried, the Carillon was purchased, and the church's interior was cleaned and painted from ceiling to floor.
During this same time, our beautiful Steinway piano was purchased.
St. Joseph School Food Service received a new steam table, the south side of the school building saw the addition of classroom blinds and window tinting, water softners were installed, and changing tables were added to the bathrooms.
A new phone system was installed. The pavilion cement pad was added. A small section of land (beyond the cell tower) was sold to Crestwood School District for bus parking expansion.
During this time, the Parish was vandalized with a break-in to the safe where Bingo deposits were kept overnight (this no longer exists). The school and parish offices were also riffled through. Repairs were made and extra precautions were made to deter future incidences.
The church roof had repairs done, the cantor and ambo mircophones were replaced, the Carillon was installed, and Food Service computer software was purchased.
The 30' x 60' Pavilion was built as an Eagle Project by Chris Walters.
"Thoroughly Roasted" was the catch phrase of Ox Roast Fair weekend in 1996. During this year our Ox Roast Barn burned down early Saturday morning (most likely an electrical short). Luckily, most everything was on the fairgrounds & no one was injured. Unfortunately the golf cart of volunteer Loretta Brugmann and a couple of the fair's big signs were lost in the fire. The following year, the Ox Roast Fair barn was rebuilt by parish volunteers.
Thanks to a cell tower agreement with GTE, the parish received a lump sum of $80,000.00. With this money, St. Joseph Blvd., the parking lot, and all of the driveways were paved. This much needed improvement refurbished the crumbling lot (cell tower company has since changed and agreement has been renegotiated allowing us additional revenue over the years).
The bathrooms in the school building had motion lights installed saving on energy.
For his Eagle Scout project, Christopher Selander renovated playground by getting rid of old equipment, restoring items and adding equipment purchased by the Home & School Association.
On September 3, 1995, the parish hall was named and dedicated the Rev. Francis Hughes Hall.
Visit our Parish Leadership page to learn more about Fr. Hughes' service to our parish.
During the Fall of 1995, the Parish Center's exterior was painted by Bill Bur (helped maintenance person, Jason Garey, with special projects).
Kevin Towne replaced ceiling tiles in St. Joseph's Parish Hall for his Eagle Scout project.
Brian Walters organized the removal and installation of new tile flooring in parish hall for his Eagle project.
This year's Eagle Scout projects were completed by Gregory Krzys who pruned and/or replaced trees along St. Joseph Blvd. and mulched and by Michael Fiala who led the resurfacing of parking lot and driveways at western side of St. Joseph School.
In 1989, Peter Kavouras constructed a cross country ski trail through St. Joseph woods for his Eagle Scout project.
Father Joseph Fata received his first pastorate when he was assigned to St. Joseph in 1981. In May, 1983, under his direction, a renovation of the church was completed:
The ceiling was refinished to brighten the area and enhance acoustics. Buttress-like beams were added to create the illusion of a lower ceiling. New lighting was also installed.
All the walls were covered with vinyl wall covering (unnecessary doors and openings were eliminated for simplicity and smoothness).
New carpeting was installed & a canopy was added over the enlarged sanctuary area including lighting to enhance the focal point for worship.
Travertine marble in individual rectangles was added to the wall behind the altar.
Three chapels were added - a Day Chapel for small group celebrations, etc., a Blessed Sacrament Chapel for reservation of the Eucharist (southeast corner), and a Reconciliation Chapel for celebration of the Sacrament of Penance (southwest corner).
Organ speaker/pipes were placed above the Reconciliation Chapel with the option of additional speakers over the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
The Narthex was enlarged to allow for and encourage the gathering of people before and after worship and celebrations.
After some window openings were eliminated, the remaining windows were installed with antique and cathedral glass.
New statues of Mary, Joseph, and the Christ Child were commissioned and sculpted in ceramic by Akron artisan Brian B. Heard (click here to learn more).
The Risen Christ for the sanctuary wall was carved from black walnut on the property by Sister Evangeline Doyle, O.P. (details of process with photos available by clicking here).
New furniture and appointments included: altar, ambo, chair, tables, servers benches, Baptismal font, Eucharistic tower and tabernacle, and cantor's lectern.
For the configuration of the 14 Stations of the Cross, the former wood-carved plaques were used.
The large wooden cross at Station 12 formerly hung on the sanctuary wall.
Father Fata also oversaw the addition of landscaping throughout the property. John Surgeon cleared trees near access road from St. Joe's to Crestwood as his Eagle Project.
In 1973, Frank Butvin's Eagle Scout project was to handle landscaping and lawn maintenance around St. Joseph's old convent for a season (this building still exists today as a private residence on the corner of St. Rt. 44 and the entrance to Crestwood High School).
In 1979, Charles Keiper's Eagle Scout project was the construction of a nature trail from St. Joseph Parish to Crestwood. David O'Donnell handled snow removal from St. Joseph Parish parking lot, driveways, and sidewalks for the Winter of 1978/1979 for his Eagle project.