The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative and advisory body that exists to support the Parish Priest by providing spiritual leadership and sound administrative procedures for the parish. The Council encourages all parishioners and all parish ministries to participate in the life of the church. The Pastoral Council will co-ordinate and promote the activities of the parish and the organizations within the parish in the following key areas: Christian Service, Evangelization, Family Life, Worship and Prayer, Discipleship–Faith Formation/Catechesis, Finances, and Administration.
Pastoral Council meetings are usually held the second Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center (no July or December meetings). Past meeting minutes are posted on this site. Any parishioner may bring a Pastoral Council matter to the attention of their through a member or by contacting the president or pastor at least two weeks prior to a meeting. You may also contact the Parish Office (330-274-2253).
If you’d like to be considered to serve on St. Joseph’s Pastoral Council,
please submit your name by contacting the Parish Office (330-274-2253).
Staff Members:
Fr. Francis Katrinak (Pastor)
Fr. Brian Smith (Parochial Vicar)
Deacon Gerry Scopilliti (Deacon)
Deacon Steve Gies (Deacon)
Discerned & Appointed Members:
Annette Carlisle - Chairperson
Jay D'Aurelio - Council Secretary
Doug Engelhart
Carie Engelhart
Committee Representatives:
Greg D'Aurelio - Maint. & Grounds Min.
Angela Daczko - St. Joseph Cares
Joe Daczko - Men of St. Joseph
Don Fleming - Knights of Columbus
Kathy Paroff - Sisterhood of St. Joseph
Deacon Gerry Scopilliti - Worship Committee
Other committees & organizations
submit reports as needed