"St. Joseph's is a wonderful place to work. The staff, students and parishioners are the best! When I started working here on a 'part-time, temporary basis' in the Fall of 1992, I had no idea I would be as involved as I am now and that I'd be doing things like the weekly bulletin, the parish website, parishioner database, secretary for the Pastoral Council, and Ox Roast Fair publicity. It's an honor to share my gifts with such a warm and friendly family."
Currently handling the administrative secretary duties of the parish, Kathi grew up in Stow where she graduated from Stow High School completing the Intensive Office Education program. She has worked as a receptionist for H & R Block, Inc. and as a secretary for Stow High School's Athletic Director, Kent's Huntington Bank loan department, Kelly Services, and Lamson & Sessions in Kent. Living in Shalersville Twp. since 1984, she and her husband, George, have three children, Jeff who's an engineer, Fr. James-Peter a Dominican priest, and daughter Wendy (Ralph) Harner who's married and has two sons, Gabriel and Liam. She serves as a Eucharistic Minister and volunteers for St. Joseph Parish activities and is a lifetime member of the Girl Scouts. Kathi also enjoys gardening, hiking, trail building, genealogy, photography, traveling, and spending time with family.