Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Ambrose,
St. Joan of Arc, and St. Joseph . . .
Starting in September, 2024 the Portage North Faith Formation Program will be offered at two locations -- Aurora and Mantua for the parishes of St. Joseph, St. Ambrose, St. Joan of Arc, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
Parishioners from any of the four parishes may choose a Faith Formation option from the two locations (Mantua or Aurora) that best suits your family’s needs for the school year.
At the Mantua location (St Joseph Parish):
At the Aurora location (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish):
More FFP - Aurora Location Info.
In-person attendance at each Faith Formation session helps to form your child’s Catholic spiritual growth and provides a firm foundation for faith and the graces of the Sacraments. Please make every effort for your child to attend each session. Circumstances do arise when your child will be unable to attend. For these times, the At-Home Family Program options will be available for your child to complete.
In addition, for all children preparing to receive a Sacrament (1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion, or Confirmation), two (2) years of consecutive religious education is needed. Traditionally this means:
If you have experienced other circumstances or obstacles that have prevented this consecutive two (2) year requirement, please reach out to us.
It is of utmost importance to understand that our Catholic education flows from the most powerful prayer of the Church: the Mass. It is from the Mass that we learn who we are as Catholics, as God’s children, and where we receive God’s Grace most especially in the Eucharist. When we connect together in the worship of God in the Church, hear His Word, and receive Him sacramentally in the Eucharist, we truly become Christ’s Body on earth. Parents, as primary and first catechists of your children, pass on the faith most effectively by living the Catholic way of life. As the ones who first brought your children to the waters of baptism and new life in Christ, we kindly ask that you please make every effort to attend Mass weekly with your children.
We are happy to offer some special events to help bring parents and children together through more opportunities for hospitality, such as lunches, dinners, ice cream, summer programming, and more.
We thank you for your cooperation and hope you share our excitement. Please reach out to us with any questions.
Your Faith Formation Team Members
Fr Francis Katrinak (Pastor), Fr Brian Smith (Parochial Vicar),
Jennifer Berczik (Mantua location), Jeff Botos (Aurora location),
Carly Crane (Aurora location), Joann Poremba (Aurora location)
Our goal is to create a program of lifelong faith formation that is centered in and flows out of the events of Church life. It embraces all ages and generations, promotes faith growth at home and promotes participation in Church life.
The Portage North Family Faith Program (FFP) is one dimension of faith formation at our parishes. FFP provides Catholic instruction for those children of our faith community who are unable to attend Catholic school. Our program for faith formation is geared toward pre-school, elementary and Jr. High school age students.
Our curriculum and policies are determined by the Diocese of Youngstown Office of Religious Education and locally by our Pastor. The program is administered by the Director of Religious Education with the help of parish volunteers.
2024-2025 FFP Registration Form
Click on button to download editable pdf.
The first session of each month, students will meet in their classrooms after 9 a.m. Mass from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The second session of each month, parents are invited to stay for Adult Faith Formation while their child(ren) are in their classroom sessions. At 11 a.m. children will join their parents for a family activity and lunch.
Portage North Family Faith Program - Mantua
Serving the Parishes of Portage North
Sundays 10-11:30 a.m.
2024-2025 Program Schedule
September 8th - Student Session
September 22nd - Family Session
October 6th -Student Session
+ Parent/Child Confirmation Meeting (11 a.m.)
October 20th - Family Session w/Adult Faith Formation,
"Jesus, True Man of God" presented by Terry Murphy
November 3rd - Student Session
November 17th - Family Session
November 23rd - First Reconciliation Retreat, 9 a.m.-Noon
@ St. Ambrose, Garrettsville
December 1st - Student Session
December 5th - First Reconciliation, 5:30 p.m.
December 15th - Family Session (Session at SJOA)
January 5th - Student Session
January 19th - Family Session
January 25th - Confirmation Retreat @ Our Lady, time TBD
February 2nd - Student Session
February 16th - Family Session (Session at SJOA)
March 2nd - Student Session
March 16th - Family Session
April 6th - Student Session
April 12th - First Communion Retreat, 9 a.m.-Noon
April 13th - Family Session w/Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast
April 24th - Confirmation Rehearsal, 6:30 p.m., St. Joan of Arc
April 25th - First Communion Rehearsal, TBD
April 27th - First Communion, 9 a.m. Mass, St. Joseph
April 27th - Confirmation, 3 p.m., St. Joan of Arc
Gracious and all-loving Father,
out of love for all people
you spoke your Word
who became flesh for our salvation.
May your Word transform me
so that the message of your Son, our Lord, may be echoed through my teaching.
Allow me to guide the hearts of those whom I teach in such a way
that they will enter more deeply into your way of truth and salvation.
Grant me the insight needed to
lead them to know, love, and serve you.
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
may they become hearers and followers of your Word,
so they might help transform the world to follow the way
to which your Son has called us all, for he lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen
God and Father to us all, in Jesus,
your Son and our Savior,
you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church.
May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world,
be united to one another
in fidelity to the Gospel.
May the examples of the Holy Family,
with the aid of your Holy Spirit,
guide all families,
especially those most troubled,
to be homes of communion and prayer
and to always seek your truth and live in your love.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Welcome to the resource and home study section of our parish website. FFP At Home Hub follows the lessons that your child will use during their sessions. This is a liturgically-based catechetical program that helps parents participate in the important role as the first educators of your children. Our program also incorporates involvement in parish activities to enrich the children's faith life. It embraces all ages and generations, promotes faith growth at home, and promotes participation in Church life.
(click on each menu item to open page)
First Reconciliation Retreat ~ Saturday, November 23, 2024, 9 a.m.-Noon @ St. Ambrose
First Reconciliation will be celebrated on Thursday, December 5, 2024 @ 5:30 p.m.
(click on each menu item to open page)
First Communion Retreat ~ Saturday, April 12, 2025 (9 a.m.-Noon)
First Communion Rehearsal ~ Friday, April 25, 2025 (TBD)
First Communion Celebration ~ Sunday, April 27, 2025 (9 a.m. Mass)
(click on each menu item to open page)
Making a place for prayer in our home can help us do what the Gospel tells us, to go into an “inner room” to pray (Matthew 6:6). Make your prayer place as quiet, uncluttered, and “desert-like” as possible. It can be the corner of a room or any unused space. Furnish your prayer place with a Bible, prayer books, cross, rosary, icons, and a candle. Encourage family members to use the prayer place for personal as well as family prayer. You can bless your place of prayer, saying:
Students and families take part in several events and fundraisers throughout the year.
Your support and participation are greatly appreciated.