You may remember your loved ones in several ways at St. Joseph’s? Prayer Requests, Mass Intentions, Carillon Memorials, and Flower Fund Intentions at Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day and Father's Day are welcomed. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Parish Office (330-274-2253).
We pray for those that are sick or are in need of healing whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Names will be included in the bulletin. Due to privacy regulations and laws, names of parishioners who are ill can appear in the bulletin only if it is specifically requested by the person or by an immediate family member with the person’s permission. We also ask that you let us know when that person’s name should be taken off the list. Please contact the Parish Office with your prayer intentions.
We include those who have passed away in our Mass prayers and offer our sympathy through the bulletin. The name of a deceased member will be included in the Prayers of the Faithful, in the bulletin, and on our parish Facebook page only after publication in the newspaper. Please contact the Parish Office (330-274-2253) with your sympathy intentions.
Ron Kulesza ~ 10/23/41 - 12/14/24
Ronald Novak ~ 5/9/37 - 11/22/24
Patricia Myers ~ 3/5/51 - 10/10/24
Michele "Shelley" Shantic ~ 5/13/51 - 10/5/24
Sr. Rose Anne Krantz, CDP ~ 8/22/45-9/27/24
Rose Pemberton ~ 10/2/42 - 9/3/24
Elaine Finnerty ~ 8/22/39 - 8/3/24
Kevin Toothman ~ 4/27/89 - 7/11/24
Irene Ittel ~ 1/30/43 - 6/21/24
Carol Hetzel ~ 11/23/37 - 6/16/24
Josephine Gobble ~ 7/29/46 - 5/28/24
Ambrose Briscar ~ 11/9/33 - 4/27/24
James Kotkowski ~ 5/6/54 - 4/26/24
RoseMary Sevc ~ 12/24/31 - 4/26/24
Albert Onchak ~ 4/16/33 - 4/25/24
Gerry DeYoung ~ 10/20/53 - 4/14/24
Paul Toothman, Jr. ~ 5/16/51 - 4/13/24
Dale B. Cooley ~ 1/3/35 - 4/8/24
Jim Berzinskas ~ 8/6/62 - 3/18/24
Cheryl Erickson ~ 11/15/73 - 3/13/24
James Myers ~ 9/15/36-3/5/24
Francis Petrie ~ 3/19/53 - 3/4/24
Kenneth Boehnlein ~ 12/10/46 - 2/8/24
Jacob Cooley ~ 7/10/85 - 2/6/24
Cathy Frances ~ 3/7/62 - 2/4/24
Greg Kulesza ~ 11/12/62 - 1/31/24
Colton Nichols ~ 9/320 - 1/28/24
Dolores Skupski ~ 7/4/31 - 1/20/24
Carillon Memorials are always welcome to memorialize or honor those special people in your life or mark events such as anniversaries, birthdays or graduations. A $20.00 donation will reserve your date for which the Angelus and seasonal hymns will ring both at noon and at 6 p.m. Your Carillon Memorials will be listed in the bulletin the weekend prior to your reserved date. You may use the green Special Contribution Envelope in your packet or contact the contact the Parish Office (330-274-2253).
Mass Intentions should be called or sent into the Parish Office as early as possible (stipend is $10.00 each; the Mass stipend is simply a donation made to the priest in consideration of his ministry. Because there is a service directly applied to the donation, a charitable donation receipt for income tax purposes cannot be given). Every effort will be made to honor your specific date request but please keep in mind that Sunday Mass dates fill up very quickly. Requests for the next year will not be taken until October. In addition, there is a limit to once a month weekend Mass requests per person. Weekday Masses may be more readily available. Petitions at the Masses will include the names of those remembered through Mass Intentions. Please contact the Parish Office (330-274-2253) for available dates.
It’s a very Catholic thing to say to someone that you will “light a candle for them,” meaning that you will pray for them and ritually symbolize those prayers by the lighting of votives. We light the candle while praying for our intention or offering our thanks and then leave the flame burning as signs of our prayers. The Catholic custom of lighting candles is rooted in Church teaching that Christ is the Light of the World. Candles serve as an outward sign of the light of faith burning in our hearts. They help us to draw into communion with the Living Christ. They are our silent sentinels lifting up our prayer intentions to the Lord. You will see blue envelopes for donations to help offset the cost for the candles (simply leave near the altar or drop in the collection basket).
Names of loved ones, living or deceased, may be submitted for the bulletin for Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Christmas Flower Fund Intentions. Special envelopes are included in your contribution envelope packets or you may contribution through ParishSOFT Giving. These donations not only help provide our beautiful environment during these special times but also assist with church environment expenses throughout the year.