Following Our Parish Mission Statement:
"… a welcoming family of believers who:
are committed to our Baptismal call
to Discipleship in Jesus Christ,
witness the gospel,
and further the Kingdom through
our ministry and worship".
St. Joseph Cares members work to serve the needy residents of northern Portage County and have logged hundreds of cases ranging from utility payments, payment of security deposits, payment of back rent to avoid eviction, the purchase of food and supplies. Payments are made directly to landlords, utility companies, etc. Since inception, they have collected and distributed well over $100,000 with most donations coming from monthly parish collections. All members of St. Joseph Cares are volunteers. Collections for their work are usually held the second Sunday of each month following Mass. Every dollar collected goes out to help someone in need.
St. Joseph Cares is ready to serve our own parish and surrounding community. If you have a need, please call and let us know. All requests for help are strictly confidential. We will do whatever we can to meet your needs. This is why we are here. For assistance requests, please call the Parish Office (330-274-2253). General information will be collected then a member of St. Joseph Cares will contact you to see if we can help.
They meet on the first Monday of month in the Parish Center of St. Joseph's and welcome new members to join them in their work.
Guided by The Corporal Works of Mercy (Matthew 25)
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, . . . . . Feed the Hungry
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, . . . . . Give Drink to the Thirsty
I was a stranger and you invited me in, . . . . . Shelter the Homeless
I needed clothes and you clothed me, . . . . . Clothe the Naked
I was sick and you looked after me, . . . . . Comfort the Sick
I was in prison and you came to visit me.” . . . . . Visit the Imprisoned
Joe Daczko (President)
Jan Seljan (Vice President)
Angi Daczko (Treasurer)
Monica Fratus
Kathy Hogue
Lynn Kelley
Jeanine Maczko
Patty Nichols
Ron Scala
Jean Wojtecki
Monthly contributions are made to Portage County Catholic Charities and the 4C's Food Cupboard (Crestwood Coalition for Community Care). During several weekends in late August and early September, the Produce Sharing Table is offered for parishioners to share their excess garden produce. Any items leftover after the weekend Masses are given to the 4C's. Adoption of several families at Christmas time, working to make their days special by providing gifts and food, is another one of their outreach efforts.
Produce Sharing Table
Do you have an abundance of fresh foods from your garden – maybe more than you can use? Beginning the first Sunday in August, St. Joseph Parish will continue a Produce Sharing Program coordinated by St. Joseph Cares where you can share your abundance with other parishioners and the 4C’s. On Sundays ONLY, please bring in clean, fresh fruits & vegetables from your garden when you come to Mass. Place them on the table provided in the alcove outside the church entrance. Parishioners are invited to take home what they need from the sharing table. All produce left after Mass will be taken to our local food cupboard, the 4C's (Crestwood Coalition for Community Care).
Free Clothing Giveaways are held four times a year for the greater Crestwood school area. Providing free clothing. Diapers, wipes, and other baby items are also available in a designated area. The events take place from 9 a.m. to Noon on designated Saturdays in a classroom of the school building. You do not need to be a resident and no questions are asked. Due to the increased need of the community, every family will be limited to two black garbage bag (excluding bulky items). Diapers/wipes will be distributed based on availability. We kindly ask that there is no re-selling of items or taking for other fundraising efforts please.
Clothing drives are held a couple of weeks prior to each of the giveaways. Donations of clean, wearable condition clothing for all ages as well are welcome on Clothing Collection Weekends before and after Mass times (9 a.m. Sunday). Please have all clothes folded and bagged. Accessories items (shoes, belts, purses, etc.) and bedding will also be accepted (no pillows or furniture). Donations of diapers and wipes accepted anytime. Large plastic garbage bags with ties are also needed. Place in the All-Purpose Room. For the November collection ONLY, Christmas and household items will also be accepted.
For drop-off at other times, please use the St. Pauly Box at Mantua Center Church or call the Office of St. Joseph & St. Ambrose Parishes (330-274-2253). For more information or to volunteer, please contact the Lynn Kelley ([email protected]).
2025 Giveaways:
February 8, May 10, August 9,
November 15 (includes Christmas decorations,
toys & other household items!)
2025 Free Clothing Giveaway Flyer
St. Joseph Cares also takes seriously the call to pray for our neighbor. Members of the group regularly write encouraging notes and cards to those parishioners and their families who are on the parish prayer list. Additionally, at the end of every meeting, each name on this prayer list is read aloud and prayed for by the entire group.
Supporting the efforts of Shepherd's House (formerly The Haven of Portage County), a faith-based homeless shelter opening in Ravenna, Ohio committed to the holistic care of the homeless. Assisting the poor with rent, etc. Adoption of several families at Christmas time, working to make their days special by providing gifts and food. Committee member Jan Seljan takes a personal interest in this organization by serving on their board and helping with fundraising and publicity.
Jail Book Drive has recently been started. Members also participate in Prison Ministry involving visitations, prayer services, and retreats.
Click here to learn more
about this ministry.
St. Joseph Cares reaches out to our parish families that have members serving in the military or who are vets. If you have a son, daughter, or spouse who is currently serving and would appreciate this outreach, please forward their contact information to Angi Daczko ([email protected]).
A nationwide Catholic initiative to help pregnant and parenting women to make life-affirming decisions and help moms in difficult circumstances.
St. Joseph Cares supports Walking with Moms in Need, a growing effort to help women with an unexpected pregnancy make a life affirming decision and helping mothers in difficult circumstances. Donations of diapers and wipes are always accepted.
St. Joseph Cares also participates with and supports numerous organizations throughout Portage County including:
The Haven of Portage County
(faith-based homeless shelter in Ravenna)
Kids' Weekend Meals
4C's Food Cupboard (Crestwood Coalition for Community Care)
And More!
The Saint Joseph Mantua (Ohio) Conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society was formed in September 1997. Notified by the Diocese that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has determined that local SVDP conferences are not be exempt from paying taxes on donations unless each local conference is listed on the national SVDP registry. Our Diocese asked that we join the national council or stop using the SVDP name. The changes that joining would require were not ones that our members were willing to make. After consultation with Father Garvey, it was agreed that the St. Joseph Mantua Conference of the St. Vincent DePaul Society will immediately change our name to St. Joseph Cares, continuing with the same mission: "… a welcoming family of believers who: witness the gospel, are committed to our Baptismal call to Discipleship in Jesus Christ, and further the Kingdom through our ministry and worship".