Information compiled from:
"Seventy-Five Years of Catholicity in Mantua, Ohio, 1864 - 1939",
St. Joseph Church Golden Anniversary Pictorial Directory (1973),
booklet from "Solemn Blessing of St. Joseph Church" (May 15, 1983),
Diocese of Youngstown records (Nancy Yuhasz, Diocese of Youngstown Chancellor),
archives of the Diocese of Cleveland (Christine Krosel, Director of Archival Research),
personal contact with individuals who served St. Joseph's,
the World Wide Web, parish files and St. Joseph parishioners.
St. Joseph's was part of the Cleveland Diocese until the Diocese of Youngstown was established in May, 1943. Bishop Amadeus Rappe of Cleveland established a mission in Mantua in 1864, serviced out of Cleveland's Holy Rosary Church (now called Holy Name Church), Niles and Warren.
Rev. Jacob A. Kuhn ~ 1864 - 1865
Pastor of Holy Rosary Church (later Holy Name), Newburgh and twenty missions, July 1863 to May 1865, Father Kuhn took care of the new mission of St. Joseph from 1864 until 1865. Born April 20, 1836, in Bliesransbach, near Saarbrucken, Rhenish Prussia, he was educated in Davenport, Iowa and Saint Mary Seminary, Cleveland. Father Kuhn was ordained June 28, 1863, at St. John Cathedral by Bishop Rappe. After serving at Holy Rosary and various missions, he was assigned to St. Stephen Church, Niles, and Warren mission (May 1865-August 1865). Other assignments included Pastorates at St. Peter Church (Pro Tem), Cleveland (August 1865 to November 1865), St. Peter, Mansfield (November 1865 to October 1869), St. Peter, Norwalk (October 1869 to August 1871), Holy Family (later St. Edward), Cleveland (August 1871 to April 1879), and St. Mary, Massillon (April 1879 to November 30, 1898). Rev. Jacob A. Kuhn died November 30, 1898.
St. Joseph Mission was then attached
to St. Stephen's Church in Niles &
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Warren.
Priests from these parishes came
to preside at Masses before
St. Joseph Church was established.
These priests came only for a short time,
but worked hard and kept alive
holy faith amongst the old settlers.
Rev. Alexander R. Sidley ~
July 16, 1865 - January 1868
Father Sidley was Pastor of St. Stephen in Niles from July 16, 1865 to January 1868 (with mission at Warren, November 1866 to fall of 1867) and served St. Joseph Mission during this time. Born August 19, 1842 in South Thompson, Ohio, he received his education at St. Mary College and Seminary in Cleveland and was ordained June 25, 1865 at St. John Cathedral by Bishop Rappe. Later assignments included Pastor of Immaculate Conception, Grafton (January 10, 1868 to December 1870), St. Rose, Lima, Ohio (December 28, 1870 to June 1876), and Immaculate Conception, Cleveland (June 23, 1876 to October 14, 1893). Rev. Alexander R. Sidley died October 14, 1893.
Rev. Edward J. Conway ~
January, 1868 - April 1869
Father Conway served Mantua from St. Stephen in Niles from January 1868 to April 1869. Born November 23, 1844 in Troy, New York, he was education at St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, and was ordained there December 16, 1867, by Bishop Rappe. After St. Stephen's he was assigned as Pastor to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Warren (April 25, 1868 to September 1869 with mission of Saint Patrick, Hubbard and St. Anne, Briar Hill), Assistant Pastor, St. John Defiance and missions (September 16, 1869 to November 1869), Pastor at St. Joseph Parish, Ashtabula (November 16, 1869 to August 1887 with missions at Saint Mary, Conneaut, 1869 to July 1884; St. Joseph, Jefferson, 1869 to July 1884), and Pastor of St. Mary Parish, Painesville (August 7, 1887 to April 27, 1914 with mission of St. Mary Parish, Mentor, August 7, 1887 to June 1898). He resigned April 27, 1914 due to ill health. Rev. Edward J. Conway died December 1, 1916.
Rev. Bernard B. Kelley ~ April, 1868 - May 1871
After serving as Assistant Pastor St. Patrick (Bridge Avenue), Cleveland (February 1868 to April 1868), Father Kelley came from Niles from April 1868 to May 1871, to serve the people of St. Joseph's Mission. Born October 28, 1845 in Cavan, Ireland, and educated at Fordham and St. Xavier's College, New York and St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, he received his ordination on January 20, 1868 by Bishop Rappe. Later assignments included Pastorates at St. Bridget, Cleveland (June 1871 to September 1874), St. John, Summitville (November 1874 to January 1876), Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Warren (July 1876 to February 1877), St. Patrick (Assistant), Toledo (March 1877 to October 1880), and St. Mary, St. Mary's Corners, (October 1880 to February 1881). Rev. Bernard B. Kelley left the Cleveland Diocese after February 1881 and died December 14, 1890 in Mobile, Alabama.
Rev. Michael Ivers ~ May - August 1871
Born, educated and ordained in Ireland, Father Ivers served in the Cleveland Diocese from 1869 until 1873. He was Assistant Pastor at St. Francis de Sales, Toledo (1869) and at Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (1869 to 1873). He had charge of St. Stephen, Niles from May to August of 1871 during which time he serviced St. Joseph's. Rev. Michael Ivers left the Cleveland Diocese in 1873 and later died October 14, 1881 at sea.
Rev. Edward J. Murphy ~
October 1870 - March 1873
Prior to serving as Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Warren and missions including Mantua, from October 1870-March 1873, Father Murphy was Pastor of St. Rose of Lima, Lima (October 1861 to September 1869) and St. Ann, Brier Hill (September 1869 to October 1870). He was born August 15, 1836 in Ballon, Co. Carlow, Ireland, educated at St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, and ordained September 30, 1861 by Bishop Rappe. Father Murphy built a frame church called St. Joseph's in 1871. Until then Mass was said in the house of Patrick Calvin, the old schoolhouse, and then mostly in the house of Brian Reagan. The money to build the church was collected from the poor people and John King, a section foreman on the Erie railroad who collected from his men from Warren to Warrensville. After serving Warren and its missions, Father Murphy had Pastorates at St. Mary, Olmsted (March 1873-January 1876), St. John, Summitville (January 1876 to October 1884), and St. Patrick, Leetonia (October 26, 1884 to October 18, 1904). Rev. Edward J. Murphy died October 18, 1904.
Rev. Timothy A. Mahoney ~
August 7, 1871 - November 1873
Born August 16, 1836 in Tipperary, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, and educated at Tipperary, Studies in Bardstown, Kentucky, Emmitsburg, Maryland and Mt. St. Mary Seminary, Cincinnati, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, Father Mahoney took care of Mantua from St. Stephen, Niles, August 7, 1871 to November 1873. Prior to this he served as Assistant Pastor at St. John Cathedral, Cleveland (June 1960 to August 1866). He received his ordination June 29, 1863 by Bishop Rappe. Father Mahoney also was Pastor of Immaculate Conception, Bellevue (August 26, 1866 to August 1871), of St. Vincent, Akron (November 23, 1873 to August 1880), and of St. Patrick, Bridge Avenue, Cleveland (August 1, 1880 to September 29, 1889). Rev. Timothy A. Mahoney died September 29, 1889.
Rev. Angelo Paganini ~ May 1873 - May 1875
Born, educated and ordained in Italy, Father. Angelo Paganini did missionary work among immigrants in New Jersey and Maryland before coming to Cleveland in May 1873. As Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Warren, he also served missions such as St. Joseph from May 1873 to May 1875. He visited Italy, May 1875 to January 1876, and then became Pastor of St. Mary, Hudson (February 1876 to May 1877). Rev. Angelo Paganini returned to Italy where he died of cholera near Assisi in August of 1884.
Rev. Joseph Paganini ~ 1875
Father Joseph Paganini, cousin to Rev. Angelo, came to Cleveland in 1875. He was Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Warren and missions in 1875 and then left the Diocese.
Rev. Bernard B. Kelley ~
July 1876 - February 1877
During is pastorate at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Warren (July 1876 to February 1877), Father Kelley returned to take care of Mantua.
Rev. Michael J. Murphy ~
February 1877 - July 1879
Prior to serving as Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Warren with Mantua as a station from February 1877 to July 1879, Father Murphy was Pastor of Sacred Heart of Mary, Shelby and missions (July 1876 to February 1877). Born August 29, 1851 and educated at St. Louis College, Louisville, St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, he received his ordination July 5, 1876 by Bishop Richard Gilmour. It was said that Father Murphy served very faithfully during that time. The people had not much work and the farmer was not equipped as today, but made their living and nevertheless paid for their farms, and their homes, and kept their faith. After serving in Warren, he was Pastor of St. Augustine, Cleveland (July 1879 to August 1888), Professor at St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland (September 1888 to January 22, 1901), Pastor at St. Clement, Navarre (October 1, 1902 to November, 1902). Due to ill health he then resided with his brother at Immaculate Conception, Cleveland. Rev. Michael J. Murphy died January 29, 1923.
Rev. William J. Manning ~
July 13, 1879 - July 9, 1882
Born December 24, 1847 in Boston, Massachusetts, Father William Manning followed Father. Murphy and served St. Joseph Mission, Mantua, July 13, 1879-July 9, 1882 while Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Warren. Receiving his education at St. Mary College, Cleveland, Seminaries at Cincinnati and Cleveland, he was ordained July 5, 1879 by Bishop Gilmour and later served as Pastor at Immaculate Conception, Youngstown (July 1882 to July 2, 1899). Rev. William J. Manning died July 2, 1899.
Rev. Felix Scullin ~ July 9, 1882 - February 1884
Father Scullin was born January 29, 1856 at Glenone, Co. Derry, Ireland. He was educated at the College in Ireland and St. Mary Seminary and received his ordination July 4, 1880 by Bishop Richard Gilmour. Before becoming Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Warren and missions, Mantua and stations (July 9, 1882 to February 1884), he was an Assistant Pastor at St. Malachi, Cleveland (July 1880 to July 1882). This was followed by Pastorates at St. Patrick, Hubbard and mission of St. Joseph, Vienna (February 28, 1884 to May 1889) and St. Stephen, Niles, and mission of St. Mary, Mineral Ridge (May 30, 1889 to October 7, 1916). Rev. Felix Scullin died October 7, 1916 at Niles, Ohio.
Rev. Denis P. O'Brien ~ February, 1884 - July, 1886
Born July 8, 1859 in Ireland and ordained in his home country June 17, 1883, Father O'Brien came to the United States for pastoral work in Kansas City, Missouri, (November 1883 to January 1884). He became Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Warren, with St. Joseph, Mantua and other stations; attended St. Stephen, Niles as a mission for several months, February 1884 to September 1884. Father O'Brien then was appointed Pastor of St. Stephen, Niles (September 1884 to April 1888). Under his guidance St. Joseph Church was beautified and a steeple added. Later he went to Chicago for parish work and later died in the late 1930's.
Rev. Ambrose Weber ~ August 1, 1886 - July 1901
In August, 1886, Father Ambrose Weber came as pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Warren with St. Joseph, Mantua as a mission and nine stations, from August 1, 1886 to July 1901. He was born in Riest, Baden, Germany, March 5, 1854 and came to America when he was 16, soon after his parents died. He left four brothers and five sisters in Germany. He received his education at Seminary at Sandwich, Ontario, Canada, Mt. St. Mary Seminary, Cincinnati, St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland and was ordained July 3, 1886 by Bishop Richard Gilmour. Father Weber brought new life to the parish, and he was liked very much by all. At that time, caring for several missions, he would start out early in the week with his kit fastened on his back and would travel on the bicycle for many days. He came in great heat and great cold, either on his bicycle or with the freight train; anything was good enough which ever suited his purpose. After Warren he was appointed Pastor of Our Mother of Sorrows (July 14, 1901 to October 1903) and Assistant Pastor at Holy Trinity, Cleveland (October 4, 1903 to May 1904). In May 1904, Rev. Ambrose went to St. Wendelin parish in Fostoria (which became part of Toledo Diocese in 1911) were he served for 37 years until his death on Aug. 22, 1941.
Rev. Patrick C. N. Dwyer ~ July 14, 1901 - March, 1903
Born June 2, 1858 in Listowal, Ireland, and educated at Bay City, Michigan, Sandwich, Ontario, Baltimore and St. Paul, Minnesota Seminaries, Father Dwyer was ordained June 18, 1886 in St. Paul, Minnesota. He served on the mission for the Dioceses of St. Paul and Winona, Minnesota, and teaching at Assumption College, Sandwich, Ontario (July 12, 1886 to June 1895), and as Assistant pro tem at St. John Cathedral, Cleveland (September 25, 1895 to September 8, 1896) and at Good Shepherd in Toledo (September 8, 1896 to December 1896). Fr. Dwyer became priest of the Cleveland Diocese December 18, 1900 and served as Administrator, pro tem, at St. Mary, Clyde, with St. Joseph, Green Spring as a mission (December 12, 1896 to January 1898) and Pastor at Immaculate Conception, Grafton (January 11, 1898 to July 1901). St. Joseph was served July 14, 1901 to December 1, 1913 when he was Pastor of St. Stephen in Niles. After this he took a sick leave and did chaplaincy work. Rev. Patrick C. N. Dwyer died April 1, 1933.
Jesuits from St. Ignatius College
(forerunner of John Carroll University)
in Cleveland were given charge of
St. Joseph Mission starting on
March 15, 1903 through 1910.
The mission was attended twice a month.
Rev. John Spirig, S.J. ~ 1903 - 1904
[No further details available at this time]
Rev. August Ruffing, S.J. ~ 1905 - 1906
Father Ruffing was born October 2, 1875 in Dunkirk, New York and received his education in Classical Studies and Philosophy at Canisius College, Buffalo, Theology at Innsbruck, Tyrol. Ordained July 26, 1900 at Innsbruck, he served as Assistant Pastor at Sacred Heart Church, St. Louis, Missouri, at Buffalo and Lancaster, New York (September 1900 to September 1901), and at Novitiate in Brooklyn, Ohio (September 1901 to 1905). He came with other Jesuit Fathers and attended, St. Joseph, Mantua as a mission, on the second and fourth Sunday. It was said that his greatest consolation would have been to build a new church in Mantua, but that wish was never fulfilled. He had to leave and died heartbroken a few years later.
Rev. B. Van Acken, S.J.
1907 - October 31, 1908
[No further details available at this time]
Rev. August Ruffing, S.J.
November 1, 1908 - December, 1909
[No further details available at this time]
Rev. Joseph Haas, S.J.
December, 1909 - 1910
The 1910 Official Catholic Directory lists Fr. Haas as being on the faculty during the week at Loyola High School, a short-lived Jesuit High school on the east side of Cleveland.
These Jesuits were also listed on parish reports
and presumed to have been assigned to
St. Ignatius College during the years
they had charge of St. Joseph Mission . . .
Rev. Augustine Muller, S.J. - 1903 faculty
Rev. Aloysius Warol, S.J. - 1903 faculty
Rev. John B. Froebes, S.J. - 1903 faculty
Rev. George Pickel, S.J. - 1903 faculty
Rev. Francis X. Buman, S. J. - 1904 to 1910 era
Rev. Francis Haessler, S.J. - 1904 to 1910 era
Rev. Edward P. Anderson, S.J. - 1904 to 1910 era
Rev. Michael F. Shannon
January 1, 1911 - July 1923
Father Shannon was of Pastor, Assumption, Royalton (now Broadview Heights), July 1910 to September 21, 1918; also received charge of Mantua as a mission, January 1, 1911 to 1918. Born May 5, 1876 in Cleveland & educated at St. Ignatius College, St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, Father. Shannon received his ordination June 6, 1903 by Bishop Ignatius F. Horstmann for the Diocese of Cleveland. Prior to attending to St. Joseph from Royalton, he was an Assistant Pastor at St. Mary in Tiffin (June 27, 1903 to November 13, 1904), Pastor at St. Augustine in North Baltimore and missions (November 13, 1904 to February 1905, Pastor at St. Joseph in Cuyahoga Falls and missions (February 10, 1905 to March 1906), Assistant Pro Tem at St. Aloysius in Cleveland (March 14, 1906 to July 1906), Assistant Pastor at St. Thomas Aquinas in Cleveland (September 4, 1906 to December 1907). Father Shannon took a sick leave (December 1907 to October 1908) before serving at St. Patrick in Wellington and Our Lady of Lourdes in New London (October 8, 1908 to February 1909). Many times he came over muddy, snowy, and icy roads to Mantua. He tried hard to keep alive the little fire of faith in the hearts of those entrusted to him. Later he was Pastor of St. Joseph in Maximo and Sacred Heart of Mary in Harrisburg (September 21, 1918 to March 1920).
The 1919 and 1920 Official Catholic Directories
list Mantua as being administered
from St. Mary Seminary.
Rev. James A. McFadden was the rector.
Rev. Richard Brennan was listed as
being a professor of Canon Law,
Introductory Sacred Scripture & Liturgy
during that time period.
It is safe to say that they probably
took care of Mantua during these years.
Rev. Michael F. Shannon ~ March 19, 1920 - August, 1923
From March 19, 1920 to June 15, 1938, Diocese of Cleveland records show Fr. Shannon was once again Pastor of Assumption in Royalton and took care of St. Joseph, Mantua until Fr. Gracey was assigned as the first resident pastor in 1923. After many years of hard work, he became sickly and retired from active work June 15, 1938. Rev. Shannon died May 20, 1948.
Rev. Edward J. Gracey ~ August 17, 1923 - August 20, 1925
In August of 1923 Father Gracey became Mantua's first resident pastor and St. Joseph's became a parish with 35 to 40 families. He immediately began to build the new church which was dedicated in May, 1924 (building on Prospect St. now known as the "Old" Church, used by the Crestwood School District as board offices, and now a private residence). Born July 30, 1885 in Middletown, Conn., Father Gracey was ordained November 25, 1913 for the Diocese of Cleveland. He received his education at Central High School, St. Mary Seminary, Baltimore, Mt. St. Mary Seminary, Cincinnati, St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland. Prior to coming to Mantua, he served the Diocese in a number of positions including Assistant Pastor at St. Vincent Parish in Akron (December 7, 1913 to November 13, 1914), Second Assistant at St. Columba in Youngstown (November 13, 1914 to June 12, 1918), Chaplain at St. John Hospital, Cleveland (June 12, 1918 to August 15, 1918), Chaplain for the US Army (August 15, 1918 to November 1920) and at Warrensville Farm Institutions and St. Vincent Orphanage (December 10, 1920 to September 26, 1922) and Pastor of St. Philip, Dungannon (September 26, 1922 to August 17, 1923). History says it was hard labor to bring all members, who had been coming only once or twice a month to come to the church every Sunday, but by and by they got used to it and everything went fine. Father Gracey opened a mission in Geauga Lake to give those people, especially during the summer time, an opportunity to fulfill their Sunday duties.
After St. Joseph's, Father Gracey became Pastor of St. Francis in Youngstown (August 1925 to February 1, 1927) followed by Pastorates at Immaculate Conception in Wellsville (February 1, 1927 to July 9, 1930) and St. Paul in Euclid (July 9, 1930 to June 15, 1935). He then became Chaplain of the Civilian Conservation Corps (July 15, 1935-December 12, 1940), Pastor of St. Malachi in Cleveland (December 12, 1940 to April 29, 1941), Chaplain in the US Army once again (May 1941 to 1946) and Chaplain at St. Alexis Hospital (February 5, 1947 to November 19, 1947). Father Gracey's Pastorate at St. Gregory the Great in South Euclid (November 19, 1947 to August 25, 1948) was followed by a sick leave. He then served as Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus in Oberlin (May 4, 1951 to September 22, 1951). Rev. Gracey died September 22, 1951 and was buried in Calvary Cemetery in Garfield Heights, Ohio, with full military honors.
Rev. Hugh L. Collins ~ September 30, 1925 - March 24, 1927
Prior to coming to St. Joseph's Church, Father Collins served at St. Joseph, Collinwood in Cleveland under Fr. Bell as Assistant Pastor (September 17, 1919 to September 30, 1925). Mantua was his first parish and with all his youth and energy he worked here with great success from September 30, 1925 to March 24, 1927. Born November 10, 1889 in Cleveland, educated at St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, Fr. Collins received his ordination May 29, 1915 by Bishop John P. Farrelly for the Diocese of Cleveland. Prior to serving at Collinwood & Mantua, he was Assistant Pastor at St. Mary in Painesville (June 12, 1915 to August 15, 1918) and Army Chaplain (August 15, 1918 to August 1919). After working in Mantua for about two years, Father Collins was transferred to act as Pro tem at St. Mary in Olmsted Falls (March 1927 to August 19, 1927) followed by Pastorates at Immaculate Conception in Grafton (August 19, 1927 to April 26, 1935) and Sacred Heart in Youngstown (April 26, 1935 to February 10, 1954). Rev. Collins died February 10, 1954 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery in Youngstown (
Rev. Oldrich A. Mazanec ~ March 29, 1927 - July 9, 1930
Father Mazanec followed Father Collins and was said to have been the man sent by God to pay off the debts of the church. Prior to St. Joseph's he was an Assistant Pastor at St. Martin Parish in Cleveland (June 12, 1918 to December 1918), at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Cleveland (December 15, 1918 to January 3, 1920), and at St. John Nepomucene Parish in Cleveland (January 3, 1920 to March 29, 1927). Educated at St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, St. Bernard Seminary, Rochester, New York and ordained May 25, 1918 at St. John Cathedral by Bishop John P. Farrelly, Father Mazanec was born February 6, 1893. Serving St. Joseph's March 29, 1927 to July 9, 1930, he also took care of missions at Geauga Lake and St. Rita, Solon. The mission in Geauga Lake was kept on for a while but very soon given up. In 1930 as Solon became an independent parish, Father Mazanec left Mantua where he had worked faithfully. He became the first Pastor of St. Rita's Church in Solon (July 9, 1930 to June 4, 1971). He also developed the mission of St. Joan of Arc, Chagrin Falls and was appointed a Domestic Prelate with the title of Monsignor (March 25, 1953) and Diocesan Consultor (December 21, 1955 to December 1967). Msgr. Oldrich Mazanec died June 4, 1971.
Rev. Frank P. Brennan ~ July 9, 1930 - October 12, 1934
As Father Mazanec became Pastor of St. Rita's in Solon, Father Frank Brennan came to Mantua from St. Catherine Church in Cleveland, where he had worked as Assistant Pastor (July 28, 1927 to July 9, 1930). Prior to this he had assignments as an Assistant Pastor at St. John Cathedral in Cleveland (September 21, 1918 to April 5, 1922), at St. Martha in Akron (April 5, 1922 to March 23, 1923), at St. Columba in Youngstown (March 23, 1923 to November 29, 1923), and at Blessed Sacrament in Cleveland (November 29, 1923 to July 28, 1927). Ordained September 14, 1918 by Bishop John P. Farrelly for the Diocese of Cleveland, Father Brennan was born May 5, 1892 in Cleveland, Ohio and received his education at St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, St. Bernard Seminary, Rochester, New York, St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland. Serving the parish from July 9, 1930 to October 12, 1934, Mantua was his first parish and so his first love. He worked hard as all these priests did. He was transferred to Immaculate Conception in Willoughby (October 12, 1934 to June 28, 1939) and then to St. Paul in Euclid (June 28, 1939 to May 31, 1961). Rev. Brennan died May 31, 1961.
Rev. Anton (Anthony) L. Battes ~ October 12, 1934 - June 1945
Born June 23, 1870 in Herschbach Father Battes was educated at Frieburg University and Fulda Seminary and ordained July 22, 1909, in the Diocese of Fulda, Germany. He served as Assistant Pastor at St. John Parish in Delphos, Ohio (October 18, 1909 to 1920), Pastoral Ministry in Germany (1920 to 1923), Pastor of St. Peter in Rootstown (January 1923 to August 1927), and Pastor of Sts. Philip and James in Canal Fulton (August 1927 to October 12, 1934) prior to coming to St. Joseph's in 1934.
Father Battes was responsible for the building of the "new" rectory in 1935. He retired in 1945 when he was appointed Pastor Emeritus of St. Joseph Mantua in June 1945. Rev. Battes died June 5, 1951 at Mercy Hospital, Canton.
Msgr. John R. Toole ~ 1945 - 1951
Father Toole, whose fatherly guidance and love of his people, imprinted the character of what a priest is and must be upon his people. Born in 1902 and ordained July 12, 1931, at Our Lady of the Lake Seminary in Cleveland, Fr. Toole served as Associate Pastor at St. Patrick's in Hubbard before coming to St. Joseph's in 1945. He retired June, 1950. Rev. Toole died September 26, 1985 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio.
Msgr. John P. Lavelle ~ 1951 - 1960
Born in 1909, Father John Lavelle was ordained May 1, 1936, at St. Mary Seminary in Cleveland. He served as Associate Pastor at St. Brendan in Youngstown and St. Paul in Salem and was Chaplain of Hiram College. Prior to coming to St. Joseph's, he was Pastor of St. Ambrose in Garrettsville. With big heart and booming voice, Father Lavelle made members of St. Joseph's remember his priestly service and dedication. It was he who renovated the old church and extended his service to the mission in Aurora, and who planned well for the future by purchasing ninety-six acres of property for future development just north of the village (our current property) and leading the fund drive for the first parochial school in northern Portage County. After leaving St. Joseph's in 1960, Father Lavelle was Pastor of Immaculate Conception in Ravenna and also served as Dean of Portage County. He was named Domestic Prelate in 1961. Rev. Lavelle died September 12, 1965.
Rev. Francis Hughes ~
Nov., 18, 1960 - June 17, 1966
Father Francis Hughes was born March 15, 1918, in Youngstown. He was ordained May 26, 1945, attended St. Mary Seminary in Cleveland and began his ministry at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Ashtabula in 1945 where he served as Associate Pastor for 10 years and then continued also as an Associate for four years at St. Joseph's Church in Massillon. His first Pastorate was at St. Ambrose Church in Garrettsville.
When Father Hughes came to Mantua, St. Joseph's parish was facing a financial crunch. At the same time, there were plans to establish a parish school. He addressed these challenges with vigor in his unobtrusive way combining a mix of boundless energy, humility, and a spirit of cooperation. Father Hughes with zeal and selflessness continued the plans of his predecessor and brought about the building of the first portion of a million and half dollar dream of a parish complex on the new property - a church, school and auditorium, our present building. The first Mass in the new church was First Communion. Previously in September, 1962, he opened St. Joseph's first "school" in the basement of the old church (grade 1) and the facilities across the street loaned by the Hilltop Christian Church (grades 2 through 4).
He enlisted services of the Dominican Sisters of Akron, whose pioneer spirit and dedication made St. Joseph the recognized school that it is today. Under his supervision the men of the parish renovated an old building on the corner of the new property to serve as a convent for the Sisters (this building still exists today as a private residence on the corner of St. Rt. 44 and entrance to Crestwood High School).
Membership in the church and registration at the school expanded and when Father Hughes left Mantua in 1966, the St. Joseph parish was fiscally sound. He had successfully met the challenge he faced when embarking on his pastoral duties at St. Joseph.
From Mantua, Father Hughes went to St. Stephen's Church in Niles (1966-1970) then proceeded to a Pastorate at St. Patrick Church in Hubbard from where he retired July 1, 1988 (retired priest home in Louisville). Rev. Francis Hughes came back to St. Joseph's as Interim Pastor in 1988 and again in 1994 [see details below]. He also served as Pro-Tem Administrator for St. James in Waynesburg, St. Paul in Salem, and St. Paul in New Middletown. Throughout his life Father Hughes also served in numerous ways including Knights of Columbus Chaplain, Trumbull County Ecumenical Board, Niles Mayor's Citizens' Committee, Niles Clergy Association, Director of Council of Catholic Nurses, Diocesan School Board, and Hubbard Ministerial Association. For further information on Father Francis Hughes, please refer to sections below.
Rev. John J. Vasko ~ June 16, 1966 - Feb. 17, 1967
Born May 1, 1917 and ordained December 18, 1943, from Our Lady of the Lake Seminary in Cleveland, Father Vasko was Associate Pastor of St. Rose in Girard, Administrator of St. Stephen in Youngstown, and Pastor of St. Ann in Sebring before becoming Pastor at St. Joseph's in 1966. Father Vasko carried on the work of building and spiritual development initiated by his predecessors. Rev. Vasko died April 20, 1968 and is buried at Calvary Cemetery in Youngstown, Ohio.
Rev. Francis Snock ~ Feb. 17, 1967 - June 14, 1974
Father Snock was born November 11, 1922 in Clarksville, PA, the son of John and Anna (Jurisin) Snock. He attended St. Mary School, Brownsville, PA, and Brownsville High School before attending Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, Ohio. He was ordained June 3, 1950 by Archbishop Amlet G. Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States. Following ordination he served as Associate Pastor at St. James in Warren (1950-1951) and St. Matthias in Youngstown (1951-1965) before being named Pastor of St. Andrew in Kingsville (1965-1966) before coming to St. Joe's (1967-1974). Father Snock continued the work of predecessors and was pastor at the time of the Golden Jubilee of the Parish in 1973. The new rectory, that now serves as Parish Center & Offices, was built next to the church during his time (temporary rooms were constructed in the school until it was completed) . After leaving our parish in 1974, he was Pastor of St. Matthias in Youngstown until his retirement on July 1, 1994. In addition to his years in pastoral ministry, Father Snock served as a religion instructor at Ursuline High School in Youngstown, Ashtabula deanery director of the lay volunteer program and as a chaplain for the Ashtabula and Mantua Knights of Columbus. He also served as the moderator for the Portage County Council of Catholic Women, and the bishop's representative on the board for the Catholic Service League, Mahoning County, . and a member of the Committee for Continuing Education of Priests. Father Snock died March 13, 2008 at the Regina Health Center, Richfield, Ohio.
Rev. John N. Hoey ~ June 14, 1974 - Aug. 8, 1978
(leave of absence)
Father Hoey was ordained May 26, 1951, from St. Mary Seminary in Cleveland. Prior to his time at St. Joseph's he was Associate Pastor at St. John in Canton, was on the faculty at Cardinal Mooney High School in Youngstown, Principal of St. John High School in Ashtabula and John F. Kennedy High School in Warren, Pastor of St. Joan of Arc in Streetsboro and St. John in Canton. He also served as Dean of Stark County. In 1978, Rev. Hoey left the ministry and married. Born in Massillon, Ohio, he devoted his life to God and family. Graduate of St. John's High School and The University of Notre Dame. He was an avid bicyclist, model train collector, and endless road tripper. John Hoey passed away July 2, 2015.
Rev. John Cassidy (Pro-Tem Administrator) ~
Aug. 8, 1978 - Sept. 8, 1978
While serving as Pastor at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Aurora (1972 to 1982), Father Cassidy was Pro-Tem Administrator of St. Joseph's until Father Balasko was appointed as pastor. A native of Youngstown born November 10, 1927, he attended St. Mary's College in St. Mary, Kentucky and St. Mary's Seminary in Cleveland. Bishop Emmet Walsh ordained him on February 28, 1953. Rev. Cassidy served as Associate Pastor at Immaculate Conception Parish & of St. Peter both in Canton, was on the faculty of Central Catholic High School, Canton (1960 to 1965), Associate at St. Stephen in Niles (1965), Administrator at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Louisville (1966), Pastor of SS. Philip and James, Canal Fulton (1967), and Pastor at Assumption Parish, Geneva (1968). Following his pastorate in Aurora, Father Cassidy was appointed Pastor of St. Patrick in Kent (1982) and then accepted the Pastorate of St. Joseph in Jefferson (1985). He also served on various diocesan and community agency committees & boards. Rev. Cassidy died August 19, 1988, after suffering a heart attack while golfing.
Rev. George J. Balasko ~
Sept., 8, 1978 - July 1, 1981
Father George Balasko was born October 3, 1934, in Youngstown, attended Immaculate Conception School, and graduated from East High School in 1952. He worked for Republic Steel's printing department for five years and managed a South Side printing company part-time. A professional musician, he played with the Bill Dubos Orchestra. He served in the U.S. Army as a Signal Corps instructor, and after his discharge, began his studies for the priesthood at St. Mary College, St. Mary, KY, and later at Mt. St. Mary Seminary in Cincinnati. Following his ordination May 27, 1967, Father Balasko served as an Associate Pastor at St. Joseph in Alliance (1967-1969), St. Paul in Canton (1969-1970), St. Nicholas in Struthers (1970-1973), St. Patrick in Hubbard (1973-1977), and St. Patrick in Kent (1977-1978). His first Pastorate was St. Joseph, Mantua. In July 1981, he was named director of the newly-created diocesan adult education post, accountable to the Vicar for Education. In 1986, he accepted an additional assignment as part-time associate at the Kent State University Parish Newman Center, continuing as Adult Education Specialist. He was named pro-tem associate at St. Ann in East Liverpool in 1988. In 1989 he became pastor of St. Ann and took on additional duties as pastor of Immaculate Conception in Wellsville in 1995 until 2000. Father Balasko celebrated his 50th priesthood jubilee in 2007. Father George Balasko is recognized by the Polka Hall of Fame in Ohio as the “creator of the Polka Mass.” A polka musician himself, “Father Balasko reworked the beloved melodies of his youth with English lyrics that appealed to church-goers of all nationalities,” the Hall of Fame’s website says. “Accompanied by the Bobby Timko Orchestra, he celebrated the very first Polka Mass, Memorial Day, 1972, at Holy Rosary Church in Lowellville, Ohio.” He is the co-creator of Jewish/Christian Dialogue with the late Rabbi Samuel Meyer of Temple El Emeth in Liberty. Through his many ecumenical programs, Fr. Balasko is well-renowned and highly regarded in the local Jewish community. He is the founder, general editor, and producer of a continuing education program in cooperation with Abba House Communications, and for more than 20 years has served as host and producer of the "Jewish/Christian Dialogue" network television series which airs in several markets around the world. Fr. Balasko is also known internationally for his work in originating, adapting, writing, and producing the first Polka Mass. As of January 1, 2012, Fr. Balasko retired and is living at the Villa Maria in Pennsylvania.
Rev. Joseph A. Fata ~ July 1, 1981 - Aug. 3, 1988
Born April 21, 1942, Father Joseph Fata was ordained May 25, 1968 and attended Mt. St. Mary Seminary in Cincinnati. He served as Associate Pastor at St. Aloysius, East Liverpool and Our Lady of Peace, Canton before receiving his first Pastorate at St. Joseph's July 1, 1981. In May, 1983, under Rev. Joseph Fata's direction, a renovation of the church was completed. Fr. Fata also oversaw the addition of landscaping throughout the property. In addition to his service in Mantua, he also has been involved as a CCD Instructor, on the Committee for the Continuing Education of Priests, served on the Stark County Regional Board of Education in the early 1980's, the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, chair of the Diocesan Board of Religious Education, secretary of the East Liverpool Ministerial Association, the Diocesan Central Service Finance Committee, the Diocesan Priests Senate, as vice president of the Board of Education, as a member of an ad hoc committee representing associate pastors, as co-chair of the Community Life Committee on the Diocesan Priests Senate, and Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, serving on the national board of directors as a representative of the Michigan and Ohio dioceses, and most recently, has served in several positions with ACTION, the Alliance for Congregational Transformation Influencing Our Neighborhoods, ecumenical coalition in Youngstown. Fr. Fata's celebrated his last Mass at St. Joseph's on July 24, 1988. He then was named Pastor of St. Luke Church in Boardman in August 1988 where he served until his death August 1, 2016. He is buried at Bear Hollow Cemetery in Lisbon, Ohio.
Sister Mary Ann Wieseman, O.P. ~
Pastoral Ministry, 1982-1984
Archival records from the The Dominican Sisters of Akron state that Sister Mary Ann was hired to serve as Associate Pastor at St. Joseph Parish in Mantua, Ohio, serving seven years in the parish. Invited by Fr. Joseph Fata to assume the co-responsibility for preaching, she discovered a natural talent in this area. She also served the parish through Homebound Ministry & Outreach to the Homebound & Hospitalized as well as serving on the RCIA team.
Rev. John Trimbur ~ Aug. 3, 1988 - Feb., 1989
Born in Warren and reared in Niles, Father Trimbur graduated from Niles McKinley High School, attended Youngstown State University and Duquesne university in Pittsburgh, earning a bachelor of arts degree. He earned a master's in theology at St. Thomas Seminary in Denver and was ordained for the Archdiocese of Denver by Archbishop James Casey May 25, 1974. He served as Associate Pastor at Notre Dame Parish in Denver, St. Thomas More in Englewood, Colorado, Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Denver. He transferred to the Diocese of Youngstown in 1978, serving at St. James in Warren, St. Joan of Arc in Canton, St. Joseph in Austintown, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Austintown, pro-tem administrator at St. Joseph in Austintown and later at St. Catherine in Lake Milton.
Rev. John Trimbur served a short time at St. Joseph's, his first Pastorate. From here he went on to be Pastor of St. John in Campbell, St. Stephen in Youngstown, St. Lucy in Campbell, St. Elizabeth in Campbell (administrator), and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Niles, then St. Joseph Parish in Austintown. Effective July 1, 2010, he was appointed associate pastor of St. Rose Parish in Girard. Fr. Trimbur is now retired and living in Poland, Ohio.
Rev. Francis Hughes (Pro-Tem Administrator) ~
Mar. - July, 1989
Rev. Francis Hughes came back as Interim Pastor in 1988 after Father Trimbur left. Father Hughes especially loved the children and the thriving school, his dream come true from 1963.
Rev. James M. Fondriest ~ July 14, 1989 - Mar. 28, 1994
A Massillon native Father Fondriest was born June 12, 1946. He attended St. John School, Canton; St. Barbara, Massillon and Canton Central Catholic High School. His college and theology studies were taken at St. Gregory and Mt. St. Mary of the West Seminaries, Cincinnati, where he earned a bachelor of arts and master of divinity degrees. He served as Associate Pastor of at St. Joan of Arc, Canton, St. Columba Cathedral, Youngstown, St. Paul, Salem, St. Joseph, Alliance, and St. Joseph, Ashtabula, prior to accepting his first Pastorate at St. Anthony in Canton. He served the people of St. Joseph's from July 14, 1989 until March 28, 1994. He also has worked with community groups for home health care and Hospice. Father Jim Fondriest stepped down as pastor of St. Joseph's to take a leave of absence from his spiritual duties in March, 1994. He left the ministry, married, and worked as bereavement coordinator for Cleveland Clinic Hospice. He and his wife, Betty Lou, retired to Florida. James Fondriest passed away July 17, 2021, in Estero, Florida.
Rev. John P. Dailey (Pro-Tem Administrator) ~ April 4-30, 1994
Father John Dailey, a Youngstown diocesan priest who lived in San Rafael, El Salvador, spent a short time at St. Joseph's. Born in Warren, Ohio and ordained May 30, 1964, he served as an associate at St. Brendan Parish, Youngstown until 1967. He then was appointed one of the first two diocesan priests to be sent to Latin America for missionary work with the Maryknoll Fathers in Guatemala and El Salvador. In 1970 he became pastor of Nativity Parish in Santa Anna, El Salvador. Father Dailey served as a Maryknoll Associate in diocesan ministry in Central America for more than half of his 40 years of priestly ministry. Along with the Linehans, Father Dailey was chiefly responsible for the close relationship between the Youngstown and Chalatenango dioceses. He managed all monetary donations sent to the Chalatenango Diocese, including seminarian and student sponsorships. As part of the parish's St. Joseph Cares program, St. Joseph's regularly contributed to his efforts in El Salvador. In 1972 he returned to the diocese and was named pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish. Following this his ministerial assignments included St. Frances Cabrini Parish, Conneaut, St. James Parish, North Jackson, St. Joseph Parish, Mantua, and Precious Blood Parish, Guatemala City. In 1991, Father Dailey was named once again pastor of St. Rose of Lima where he served until returning to El Salvador in 1997. He retired September 1, 2005. Rev. John Dailey passed away August 16, 2007.
Rev. Francis Hughes (Pro-Tem Administrator) ~ Apr. 30 - July 1, 1994
During his second interimship at St. Joseph's Father Hughes' duties consisted of a myriad of weddings, funerals, training classes and overall supervision of the school. As always, his simplistic, but tremendously inspiring homilies at Mass were something that the parish could count on. Each time the parish and the community gained from Father Hughes being in our midst. On September 3, 1995, the parish hall was named and rededicated the Rev. Francis Hughes Hall. Msgr. Francis Hughes died April 18, 1999, and is buried at Calvary Cemetery in Youngstown, Ohio.
Rev. Richard Murphy (Administrator) ~ July 2 - Aug. 31, 1994
While serving as associate principal at Ursuline High School, Father Richard Murphy (brother of parishioner Terry Murphy) came to celebrate weekend Masses and serve as administrator from the time Father Hughes left and Father Tom McCarthy came to the parish. He was ordained June 21, 1980. Since July, 1995, Father Murphy has served as pastor of St. Mary Church in Mineral Ridge, continuing as associate principal at Ursuline. In the Spring of 2008 Reverend Richard Murphy was appointed to serve as President of Notre Dame School (comprised of three schools in the Warren area: John F. Kennedy Junior and Senior High School, St. Pius X and Blessed Sacrament) overseeing budgets, personnel, developmental programs, recruitment and facilities. He was appointed the President of Ursuline High School in Youngstown, effective August 1, 2011. Fr. Murphy currently is Administrator of St. Mary's in Mineral Ridge and St. Stephen in Niles, and President of Ursuline High School in Youngstown.
Rev. Thomas J. McCarthy ~ Sept. 1, 1994 - July 31, 2003
Father Thomas McCarthy is a Warren native and was born November 30, 1936, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William McCarthy. He attended St. Mary School and St. Mary High School (predecessor to John F. Kennedy High School). He studied at St. Gregory Seminary and Mount St. Mary of the West seminary as well as Xavier University, all in Cincinnati, earning bachelor's and master's degrees. He also attended the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, for additional graduate study. He was ordained August 15, 1961, in St. Columba Cathedral by Bishop Emmet Walsh as one of two chaplains for fellow students in senior year at the seminary.
Father McCarthy was named associate pastor at Youngstown St. Edward Parish in June, 1962 and become Diocesan Director of Vocations in 1966 and Assistant Chancellor in 1967. He served as Associate Superintendent of Schools, 1969-71, and Principal of Cardinal Mooney High School, 1971-72. He was named associate Pastor of Austintown St. Joseph in 1972, then pastor of Champion St. William in 1973, serving until 1977. He served as pastor of Canfield St. Michael from 1977-83 and Warren Blessed Sacrament from 1983-91. During that time, he also served as Diocesan Priest Personnel Director (1979-85).
He was named pastor of St. Joseph, Mantua in September, 1994. He was named dean of Stark County West in 1995 for a six-year term, and in 2000 became Priest Personnel Advisor and an ex-officio member of the Priests' Personnel Board. He is a judge for the Diocesan Tribunal. Father McCarthy has been a member of the diocesan Priests' Council, Dean of Portage County (two terms in the 1990's), executive secretary to the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, has been a member of the Priests Senate and diocesan board of education, was a moderator of the Human Rights Commission of the Diocesan Pastoral Council, a parish priest consultor to the 1976 Synod, and on the national level served as President of the National Federation of Priests' Councils. He served as the Bishop's Delegate for Retired Priests from August, 2003 through October, 2010, in addition to his duties as Priests' Personnel Advisor, and served as pro-tem administrator at East Liverpool St. Aloysius and Wellsville Immaculate Conception from March, 2009 until his retirement on November 2, 2010. Fr. Thomas McCarthy retired from his service to the Diocese of Youngstown in November 2010.
He continued to serve the Blessed Sacrament Parish community in Warren with his work on the Evangelization Commission, provided knowledge and wisdom to those in the RCIA program and assisted Fr. Eisweirth as celebrant at Masses when he is not enjoying retirement in other cities, states, countries. He fully retired in 2018 and now lives at the priests' resident at Villa Maria Teresa in Hubbard. Fr. Tom celebrated his 60th Anniversary of Ordination on August 15, 2021.
Rev. Michael D. Balash ~ Aug. 1, 2003 - June 30, 2008
Born July 21, 1960, in Gary, Indiana, Fr. Balash grew up in Hubbard, Ohio, on the north side of Youngstown attending St. Patrick School and Hubbard High School. His seminary studies were taken at St. Mary Seminary in Cincinnati and the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, where he earned a bachelor's degree in English, and Mount St. Mary's of the West, Cincinnati, where he was granted a master's in divinity and a master of arts in Biblical Studies from the Athenaeum of Ohio, the degree-granting institution for the seminary. He was ordained June 20, 1987, by Bishop James Malone. Following his ordination, he served as associate pastor at St. Michael Church in Canton (1987-1992) and then moved on to St. Patrick Church in Kent (1992-1995) until he began a master's in theology program with a concentration in liturgy from the University of Notre Dame, earning his degree in 1997. He has also served as a Member of Priests' Council, on the Diocesan Board of Religious Education, and as the Dean of Ashtabula County.
He acquired his dog, Alexis "Alex", in 1997 as a puppy. Unfortunately, he lost is companion on May 26, 2012. True to her Schipperke breed, she was curious, interested in everything around her, and an excellent and faithful little watchdog. Fr. Balash was the pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, Ashtabula (1997-2003) prior to coming to St. Joseph's in August of 2003. Effective July 1, 2008, Father Michael Balash became pastor of St. William Parish in Champion (he succeeded Father Michael Smar, who retired). In addition to his pastoral duties at St. William Parish, he also serves as Executive Secretary of the Youngstown Diocesan Liturgical Commission and is a member of the National Board of Directors of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions as a co-representative for Ohio and Michigan. Fr. Balash has also been an adjunct faculty member of the Ursuline College Religious Studies Extension Program and a frequent presenter of workshops and seminars at various Diocesan study days and workshops. He is a yearly presenter at the Diocesan Winter Liturgy Workshop and has recently been a yearly instructor in the Permanent Diaconate Formation Program for the Diocese. As of September 17, 2012, he serves as the Director of the Office of Worship for the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown in addition to his pastorate at St. William Parish in Champion. He also serves as the Vicar for Clergy.
Rev. Michael P. Garvey ~ July 1, 2008 - Aug. 31, 2015
Father Garvey, a native of Cleveland, was born August 22, 1945 and raised and educated in the Catholic school system in Ashtabula, Ohio, attending Mother of Sorrows School and the former St. John High School. In 1963 he entered the seminary at St. Gregory Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio to study for the priesthood. He was ordained at St. Columba Cathedral in Youngstown on May 29, 1971 after completing seminary studies at Mount St. Mary of the West Seminary in Cincinnati. His assignments in the diocese were associate pastor at St. Joan of Arc Parish, Canton and also taught part-time at Canton Central Catholic High School. In 1972, he was appointed priest catechist at Ursuline High School in Youngstown. In 1981, he was named administrative assistant for pastoral ministry at St. John High School in Ashtabula, and as pro-tem administrator of Mother of Sorrows Parish in Ashtabula. Father was also the President of the Board of Community Counseling Center there. In July 1987, he joined the U S Navy. He served 20 years and his assignments were with the Navy, the Marines, and Coast Guard. His duty included assignments at a naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (around the time of the first Gulf War), pastoring at a Coast Guard base in Alaska, and serving a base in Japan. He also was deployed aboard an aircraft carrier, where he was the only priest serving Catholics among the 5,000-member crew. Following his retirement from the Navy in June of 2007 from Corry Station, Pensacola, Florida, Father Garvey spent the fall on sabbatical in Rome. In December of 2007 he was assigned to St. Rose Parish in Girard as the Associate Pastor. He has also served as chaplain for the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Camp Fire. He became pastor of St. Joseph, Mantua as of July 1, 2008. In the spring of 2011, Father Garvey was inducted into the Ursuline High School Athletic Hall of Fame. He was the wrestling coach at UHS from 1972 until 1981 where he guided many student athletes. His interests include Great Lakes history, physical fitness, and cards.
As of August 31, 2015, he retired from active ministry and resides in Pensacola, Florida where he began volunteering for several years with ARC Gateway, which assists people with developmental disabilities. (Click here to read the August 28, 2015 Catholic Exponent article about his retirement). For a few years before the COVID-19 pandemci, he also made regular calls to the Escambia County Jail, hearing confessions, offering Mass, and visiting inmates and he also assists at local parishes as needed. On May 29, 2021, he celebrated his 50th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood. (Correspondence may be directed to: Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, 11 North B St., Pensacola, FL 32502)
Rev. Edward G. Stafford ~ Sept. 1, 2015 - May 27, 2022
Born April 19, 1954, Fr. Stafford is a native of Youngstown where he attended Sacred Heart School, Ursuline High School, and Youngstown State University. His mother was a teacher at Sacred Heart School for 20 years and his father worked in advertising at The Catholic Exponent for over 25 years. The youngest of four children, he had a brother Billy who had Down Syndrome and lived at home for many years and in 1989 moved to the Youngstown Developmental Center (he died in 2011). Brother Joe and his wife, Jan, have three children and live in Boardman, and sister, Mary (husband, Charlie died in 2020), has two children and resides in Girard.
In 1975, he entered the Franciscan Friars of the Third Order Regular and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from St. Francis University in Loretto, PA. He left the order in 1980 after temporary vows. Moving back to the Warren area, he attended Kent State University earning a Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling. From 1982 to 1994 he worked for the State of Ohio’s Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation as a counselor and case manager and for the rehabilitation division of the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation.
Then in 1994 he re-entered the Franciscan Order and earned his Master of Divinity at Washington Theological Union in Washington, D.C. (Roman Catholic School of Theology and Ministry). Fr. Stafford was ordained November 20, 1999 as a Franciscan priest serving in a variety of assignments in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. From 1999 to 2003 he worked as a coordinator with student volunteers in the campus ministry of the Dorothy Day Outreach Center at St. Francis University, Loretto, PA. Chaplain and guidance counselor was his next assignment at Serra Catholic High School in McKeesport, PA in 2003-2004. After that he was the full time chaplain at Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA from 2003 to 2009. Fr. Ed then served as pastor at St. Francis Xavier Church in Moundsville, WV and St. Jude Church in Glendale, WV from 2009 to 2012.
In 2012, Fr. Stafford left the Franciscan Order and sought incardination to the Diocese of Youngstown (process by which clergy from one ecclesiastical jurisdiction are brought under the authority of another jurisdiction). Since his return to the Diocese of Youngstown, he has served as Parochial Vicar of Christ the Servant Parish in Canton (July 1, 2012-August 15, 2014) and of St. Rose Parish in Girard and Our Lady of Perpetual Help in McDonald with Rev. Msgr. John Zuraw (August 16, 2014-August 31, 2015). Effective September 1, 2015, Fr. Ed became pastor of St. Joseph, Mantua. He also serves on the Ursuline High School Board, is a committee member of the Human Rights Council of Youngstown Developmental Center, and is involved with Prison Ministry at the Trumbull Correctional Institution in Leavittsburg, OH.
As of August 15, 2019, St. Joseph Church became a collaborative unit with St. Ambrose Church in Garrettsville and St. Michael Church in Windham with Fr. Ed serving for all three. Each parish remained its own entity with staffs, programs, ministries, and organizations. St. Michael's was designated an oratory (just open for feast day celebrations, weddings, funeral, and other prayer opportunities). In December 2021, St. Michael's was permanently closed merging with St. Ambrose. On May 27, 2022, Fr. Ed was granted a medical health leave. He returned from medical leave to serve as parochial vicar of Blessed Sacrament Parish and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Warren, effective January 1, 2023 with eventual duties at St. Mary and St. Joseph Parish in Warren. St. Joseph Parish honored him with an Appreciation Reception on April 15, 2023. View slideshow.
Rev. Shawn Conoboy ~ May 28, 2022 to April 30, 2023
Born August 7, 1980, Fr. Conoboy is a native of Jefferson, Ohio in Ashtabula County. He is the youngest of six children (three brothers and two sisters). His home parish is St. Joseph Calasanctius Parish in Jefferson, where he attended CCD and Youth Ministry, and graduated from Jefferson Area High School. Upon graduation, he began at Franciscan University of Steubenville participating in their Priestly Discernment Program. During his time there, he transferred and was a founding member of a similar discernment program at Ave Maria College in Ypsilanti, Michigan, graduating with a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy. (After he graduated, his Alma Mater became Ave Maria University and moved to Florida.)
When graduated, he officially became a seminarian of the Diocese of Youngstown, who sent him to the North American College in Rome for seminary formation and theological studies. He lived there for five years and completed two degrees: an STB (Sacred Theology Bachelors, a general theology degree equivalent to a Masters in Divinity) and an STL (Sacred Theology Licentiate, a specialized master’s degree) in Spiritual Theology.
Fr. Shawn was ordained a priest July 29, 2006, and was assigned as parochial vicar (associate pastor) at St. Charles Parish in Boardman. He then served at Christ the Good Shepherd Parish in Campbell, first as parochial vicar and then as pastor. From there he served as sacramental minister at Holy Family Parish in Brewster and Navarre. Prior to becoming pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Aurora in August of 2019, he had been the administrator at St. Mary and St. Joseph Parish in Newton Falls.
In December 2021, Fr. Conoboy received a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Duquesne University. On February 7, 2022, Bishop Bonnar appointed him as Director of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs for the Diocese of Youngstown. Since 2007, Fr. Conoboy has been a member of the Youngstown-Warren Chapter of the Society of St. John Chrysostom, an ecumenical association of clergy and lay people organized for the purpose of promoting an understanding of Eastern Christianity. Since 2008, he has served the interdenominational efforts of Hartville Migrant Ministry, including celebrating Mass in Spanish. He succeeds Rev. Joseph Witmer, who served as the Diocese of Youngstown’s Ecumenical Officer since 1971, except for eight years when he served in the national office of ecumenism for the U.S. Bishops, and Rev. George Balasko, who has served as the diocese’s interreligious officer and is recognized locally and nationally for Jewish-Christian dialogue.
As of May 28, 2022, Fr. Shawn was appointed pastor of St. Joseph and St. Ambrose while maintaining his responsibilities as pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer, and part-time professor at Walsh University. He worked with Fr. Chris Luoni, pastor of St. Joan of Arc, Streetsboro, and a parochial vicar (Rev. Joseph Ruggieri named July 1, 2022) to serve the needs of the faithful of all four parishes in northern Portage County (St. Joseph Church, St. Ambrose Church, St. Joan of Arc, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church).
On April 11, 2023, The Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, proudly announced that he has released Rev. Shawn Conoboy, Ph.D. for an assignment at the Vatican on the staff of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. Father Conoboy remains a priest of the Diocese of Youngstown and has been released for this special assignment effective May 1, 2023, with his appointment at the Vatican beginning on June 1, 2023. The Dicastery helps to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ that "all may have life to the full" (Jn 10:10), through attending to the material needs of the poor and vulnerable. Attention is given to questions of economy, health, migration, ecology, and peace. Father Conoboy will work for the section of the Dicastery which interacts with local Bishops' Conferences around the world to help identify the material needs of the local church and to support action plans to resolve the various issues. Upon the completion of his duties, the Diocese will welcome him back with open arms.
Rev. Frantisek "Francis" Katrinak ~ May 1, 2023 to date
Rev. Frantisek “Francis” Katrinak was born in Slovakia in 1971 and was ordained in the Archdiocese of Kosice, Slovakia on June 22, 1996. He earned a License of Theology degree in 1999 at the Catholic University in Ljublin, Poland and he received his Ph.D. in Roman Catholic Systematic Theology from the Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. During the 22 years that he was assigned to the Archdiocese of Kosice he served in a variety of ministries including 5 years as the rector of the archdiocesan seminary. In August 2018, at the request of the Diocese of Youngstown, he came to the United States to serve at the St. Mary Parish of Warren; this was his first time pastoring a church in the United States. In September 2019 he was also appointed as the pastor of the St. John Paul II Parish in Warren. In December 2021, the Youngstown Diocese announced the two Warren parishes would become one, the St. Mary and St. Joseph Parish, reflecting the history of both parishes. Fr. Francis was named the Dean of the Trumbull County Deanery on August 15, 2022, in addition to his responsibilities as pastor of the St. Mary and St. Joseph Parish in Warren. Effective May 1, 2023, Fr. Francis became the pastor of the four parishes of Portage North: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Aurora, St. Joan of Arc Parish in Streetsboro, St. Joseph Parish in Mantua and St. Ambrose Parish in Garrettsville.