The main purpose of the Worship Committee is to enhance the liturgy at St. Joseph's by preparing the church environment, planning the music, writing the Mass petitions, and organizing all the special parish rites, including baptisms, confirmations, reconciliation services, lessons and carols, celebrations, and other seasonal liturgies.
The Worship Committee, working with the pastor, the director of religious education and the director of music, strives to prepare liturgical celebrations which are ‘truly the source and summit of Christian life.’ Using The Liturgy Documents as a foundation, the environments, special rites, reconciliation services and other seasonal liturgies are prepared. Prayer and formation are integral parts of each meeting.
The Worship Committee welcomes anyone who wishes to contribute their time, talent and enthusiasm toward improving the quality of worship in our parish community. Parishes of the Portage North region are meeting jointly on a monthly basis at 7 p.m. at Stenson Hall at St. Joan of Arc in Streetsboro (following their 6:30 p.m. Mass). Please contact the Parish Office for more information (330-274-2253).
Jay D'Aurelio (Chairperson)
Terry Murphy (Chairperson)
Fr. Francis Katrinak (Pastor)
Fr. Brian Smith(Associate)
Deacon Gerry Scopilliti
Lydia Kulesza (Music Minister)
Mary Ann Feddor (Sacristan)
Cecelia Agostine
Marie Minard
Kathy Paroff
Diane Sanderson